How many people live on earth now. How many people in the world? The most populated countries on Earth What is the current population in the world

Mankind tends to exact numbers and loves statistics, because sometimes a quantitative change in a phenomenon can indicate important facts. Thus, an increase in average life expectancy indicates an improvement in the level of medical care, access to quality food and clean water, and an increase in the level of living comfort. The dynamic change in the population of the Earth can also tell a lot. How many people live on the planet, what are the population growth trends and what can they lead to?

The population of the Earth for 2018

The number of people on our planet is growing rapidly: on average, the annual global population growth is approximately 75-85 million people, which is equal to the number of inhabitants of a large state. If in 1800 the world population of the Earth numbered about a billion, then by 2012 this figure had reached an impressive mark of 7 billion people.

It is noteworthy that the fastest population growth rates are observed in states with a fairly low standard of living, and not in rich countries with strong economies. Often this is due to the insufficient level of education of citizens, the lack of sex education programs and limited access to high-quality contraception.

In developed countries, both women and men are more likely to prioritize careers, have children later in life, and are usually limited to one or two heirs. In economically weak states, completely different priorities dominate among the population, a set of various factors contributes to a higher rate of population growth.

In 2018, the number of people on the planet exceeded 7 billion 635 million people, as reported by the specialists of the German fund "The population of the Earth" (DSW). Compared to 2017, this figure has already increased by 83 million citizens. The next milestone, 8 billion people, will be reached around 2024. The difference between the number of urban dwellers and those living in rural areas has also become almost equal: if earlier the majority of the population lived outside the city, now there is a tendency for the population of large settlements to grow.

How is the world's population growing?

A number of scientists are of the opinion that the number of inhabitants on the planet is growing according to the hyperbolic law, the essence of which is based on the close and constant interaction of the entire population of the world. So far, predictions based on this theory are coming true. In 1964, biologist Julian Huxley suggested that by the year 2000 the world population would be 6 billion. His calculations turned out to be accurate and became reality in October 1999.

Why is the constant growth of the inhabitants of the Earth dangerous? The inevitable depletion of the planet's resources, the growth of unemployment against the backdrop of technological development, the increase in social inequality and many other negative phenomena can become a reality of mankind and completely cause a crisis and catastrophe that will lead to a sharp decrease in the number of people to literally 2-3 billion people.

However, gradually the rate of population growth will slow down, giving way to natural depopulation. Already, the number of older people exceeds the category of children under 5 years old.

According to UN experts, by 2100 the world's population will be 11 billion people, and this figure will remain stable.

Earth population density

In different places on the Earth, the population density is not the same. small countries with high level development confidently bypass even such “whales” as Russia or China in terms of density. Thus, the states with the largest number of people per square kilometer are Monaco and Singapore, where the number of inhabitants is more than 18.6 and 8.3 thousand people. per sq. km, respectively. Mongolia, Namibia, Australia, Suriname, Iceland and even Canada remain at the top of the list with the lowest population density. Here, the number of residents per sq. km of territory does not reach even four people. This situation is connected not only with the area of ​​the states themselves, but also with the fact that most of them are unsuitable for life.

The uneven population density of the Earth

From the point of view of the entire planet, the density of the world population can be calculated in several ways. If we take into account the area of ​​all continents and oceans, it turns out that about 15 people inhabit each square kilometer of the Earth. About 51 people per km inhabit the entire land area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe planet, excluding water expanses.

China, India and the US remain the most populated countries.

Russia is also among the ten most populated states. The world's first largest country is inhabited by 144.5 million people, whose population density is 8.56 citizens per sq. km. km.

Whatever the forecasts of scientists, it is important for people to maintain confidence in the future and not to lose moral values. After all, it is not technologies that make us human, but humanism and respect for all living things and our native planet. Such an approach will help to adequately meet any difficulties, even if the population of the Earth reaches a critical point.

In contact with

Ukraine is a country, the second in terms of territory among the states of Europe, located in its eastern part.

General demographic and geographic characteristics

The population is about 43 million. Within the framework of our entire planet, this is the thirty-second place in terms of the number of inhabitants among all other states. Countries such as Moldova and Romania, Hungary and Slovakia, Poland, Belarus and Russia are its neighbors.

In its southern part, the territory is washed by the Black and Azov Seas. Basically, the area is flat and hilly in some places, and only five percent are (with the highest point of 2061 meters - Goverla) and Crimean (the highest point is Roman-Kosh, 1545 meters).

Briefly about the wealth of natural resources

Of the one hundred and twenty types of minerals that are known to man and he uses them, 97 are available here. Five percent of the world's reserves - exactly this amount of iron ore is concentrated in the lands of Ukraine. In addition, there are large deposits of coal, the world's largest deposits of sulfur, mercury ores (second place). A huge number of non-metallic minerals widely used in the construction industry. These are clay, limestone, tuffs, marble, basalt, gypsum, chalk, marl. In terms of reserves of table salt, graphite, kaolin, Ukraine is among the leading countries of the world and Europe in particular. And this is not the whole list of what the Ukrainian land is rich in.

population concentration

In the cities of Ukraine, of which there are 460, almost 69% of the population lives. The remaining 31% falls on the population - 885) and rural settlements, of which there are more than 28 thousand. In small villages, the main occupation is agriculture, which has all favorable conditions for development and high productivity. These are the climatic conditions and the quality of the soil (one third of the arable land in all of Europe is located in Ukraine). Only the attitude of some people towards agriculture is unfavorable.

The government pays little attention to this issue, the villagers do not have much support, therefore, on an industrial scale Agriculture partially developed, in the sowing industry - cereals, corn. Animal husbandry is mainly at the level of providing for one's own family. In cities, there is a concentration on different types industry.

Cities that are the largest by area

In terms of area among Ukrainian cities, Kyiv is the capital in the first place, and its territory is 870.5 km2.

The next five cities have about 400 square kilometers, these are Makeevka (Donetsk region), Gorlovka (Donetsk region), Krivoy Rog (Dnepropetrovsk region), Dnepropetrovsk itself and Donetsk. Their area is 425.7 km2, 422 km2, 410 km2, 405 km2. and 385 sq. km. respectively. Apart from Kyiv, the largest cities of Ukraine have such a large area due to highly developed industrial activities. So, in Makiivka there are about twenty factories and plants focused on heavy industry (coal mining, machine building) and food enterprises. Together with Donetsk, these two cities are the largest hub. In Gorlovka, there are more than fifty different enterprises of the chemical, coal, food, machine-building and processing industries. Krivoy Rog is the center of the most important raw material base of metallurgy. Dnipropetrovsk with its 200 enterprises in thirteen industries produces 4.5% of all industrial output in Ukraine. As for Kyiv, it is a center not only for industry, but also for other issues, such as politics, culture, science, transport, religion.

In the top ten, which is made up of the largest cities of Ukraine in terms of area, there are: in seventh place - Kharkiv (350 sq. km.), eighth place behind Zaporozhye (331 sq. km.), ninth - Lugansk (269 sq. km.), And Nikolaev concludes the top ten (253 km sq.).

Which cities have the most inhabitants

But if the consequences of the aforementioned catastrophe cannot actually be corrected by anything, then the remaining problems can be completely solved, the main thing is to make efforts for this. The continuation of this relationship external environment will soon lead to a critical decline in the population of Ukraine.

Based on the data set out in the UN projections for the population of the world

Around 8000 BC, the world's population was approximately 5 million people. For the 8000-year period up to 1 AD. it has grown to 200 million people (300 million or even 600 million according to some estimates), with a growth rate of 0.05% per year. A huge change in population occurred with the advent of the industrial revolution:

  • In 1800, the world population reached one billion.
  • The second billion in population was reached in just 130 years in 1930.
  • The third billion was reached in less than 30 years in 1959.
  • Over the next 15 years, the fourth billion will be reached in 1974.
  • In just 13 years, in 1987 - the fifth billion.

During the 20th century alone, the world's population grew from 1.65 billion to 6 billion.

In 1970, the population was half what it is now. Due to declining population growth, it would take more than 200 years to double the population from today's data.

Table with population data by years and dynamics of population growth in the world by years until 2017

Pop% World population Growth in % compared to the previous year Absolute annual increase number of people Average age of the population Population density: number of people per 1 sq. km. Urbanization (urban population) in % of the total population Urban population
2017 7 515 284 153 1,11% 82 620 878 29,9 58 54,7% 4 110 778 369
2016 7 432 663 275 1,13% 83 191 176 29,9 57 54,3% 4 034 193 153
2015 7 349 472 099 1,18% 83 949 411 30 57 53,8% 3 957 285 013
2010 6 929 725 043 1,23% 82 017 839 29 53 51,5% 3 571 272 167
2005 6 519 635 850 1,25% 78 602 746 27 50 49,1% 3 199 013 076
2000 6 126 622 121 1,33% 78 299 807 26 47 46,6% 2 856 131 072
1995 5 735 123 084 1,55% 85 091 077 25 44 44,8% 2 568 062 984
1990 5 309 667 699 1,82% 91 425 426 24 41 43% 2 285 030 904
1985 4 852 540 569 1,79% 82 581 621 23 37 41,3% 2 003 049 795
1980 4 439 632 465 1,8% 75 646 647 23 34 39,4% 1 749 539 272
1975 4 061 399 228 1,98% 75 782 307 22 31 37,8% 1 534 721 238
1970 3 682 487 691 2,08% 71 998 514 22 28 36,7% 1 350 280 789
1965 3 322 495 121 1,94% 60 830 259 23 21 No data No data
1960 3 018 343 828 1,82% 52 005 861 23 23 33,8% 1 019 494 911
1955 2 758 314 525 1,78% 46 633 043 23 21 No data No data

The world population is currently (2017) growing at a rate of about 1.11% per year (up from 1.13% in 2016).

Currently, the average population growth per year is estimated at about 80 million people. The annual growth rate peaked in the late 1960s at 2% or more. The population growth rate peaked at 2.19 percent per year in 1963.

The annual growth rate is currently declining and is projected to continue declining in the coming years. Population growth is projected to be less than 1% per year by 2020 and less than 0.5% per year by 2050. This means that the world population will continue to grow in the 21st century, but at a slower rate than in the recent past.

The world population doubled (100% increase) within 40 years from 1959 (3 billion) to 1999 (6 billion). It is currently predicted that in 39 years the world's population will increase by another 50%, to 9 billion by 2038.

Forecast of the population of the Earth (all countries of the world) and demographic data for the period up to 2050:

date Population Number growth a % for 1 year Absolute growth for 1 year in the number of people The average age of the world's population Population density: number of people per 1 sq. km. Percentage of urbanization Total urban population
2020 7 758 156 792 1,09% 81 736 939 31 60 55,9% 4 338 014 924
2025 8 141 661 007 0,97% 76 700 843 32 63 57,8% 4 705 773 576
2030 8 500 766 052 0,87% 71 821 009 33 65 59,5% 5 058 158 460
2035 8 838 907 877 0,78% 67 628 365 34 68 61% 5 394 234 712
2040 9 157 233 976 0,71% 63 665 220 35 70 62,4% 5 715 413 029
2045 9 453 891 780 0,64% 59 331 561 35 73 63,8% 6 030 924 065
2050 9 725 147 994 0,57% 54 251 243 36 75 65,2% 6 338 611 492

The main stages of the growth of the world's population

10 billion (2056)

The United Nations projects a world population of 10 billion by 2056.

8 billion (2023)

The world population is expected to reach 8 billion in 2023 according to the United Nations (and in 2026 according to the US Census Bureau).

7.5 billion (2017)

The current world population is 7.5 billion as of January 2017, according to United Nations estimates.

7 billion (2011)

According to the United Nations, the world's population reached 7 billion on October 31, 2011. The US Census Bureau made a lower estimate - 7 billion was reached on March 12, 2012.

6 billion (1999)

According to the United Nations, on October 12, 1999, the world population was 6 billion. According to the US Census Bureau, this value was reached on July 22, 1999, at approximately 3:49 am GMT.