Boiler service. Hot water boilers Requirements for the organization of safe operation of hot water boiler plants

Boiler maintenance includes preparing the boiler for ignition, firing the boiler and putting it into operation, maintenance during operation, scheduled and emergency shutdowns.

General requirements for the preparation of steam and hot water boilers for kindling from a cold state.

Preparation of the boiler for kindling is carried out according to the written order of the Responsible. The order indicates the duration of filling the boiler with water and its temperature.

When preparing the boiler for kindling, the driver must:

Perform an external and internal inspection of the boiler and make sure that there are no people and foreign objects in the boiler;

Make sure that the lining and gas-directing partitions are in good condition;

Check the serviceability of the boiler headset;

Make sure that the plugs disconnecting the boiler from dangerous environments are removed for the period of repair and cleaning;

Check the serviceability of the furnace devices;

Check the availability and serviceability of control and measuring devices and the period of their next check (pressure gauges are checked once every 12 months, as evidenced by the established stamp or seal);

The serviceability of the automatic safety and alarm devices is checked in accordance with the instructions and schedule approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise;

Check the serviceability and completeness of the shut-off and control valves and put it in working position;

Check the serviceability of safety valves and water-indicating devices;

Check the reserves of fuel and water and the possibility of replenishing them;

Make sure that the feeding devices and other auxiliary equipment are working;

Fill the boiler through the economizer with water of the quality set by the water regime with the air vent or safety valve open to release air. Set the water level to the lowest level. The water temperature should not exceed 90 0 C in winter, and 50-60 0 C in summer, so as not to cause breakdowns of rolling joints and the occurrence of thermal joints from uneven heating of the boiler;

Make sure that fire extinguishing equipment is available and ready for action;

Check the serviceability of communication equipment;

Put the hot water boiler on circulation, i.e. supply water to the boiler in an amount not less than the minimum flow rate, the value of which is determined by the boiler maintenance instructions;

Prepare the fuel economy and make sure that it is possible to supply fuel to the combustion devices;

Ventilate the furnace and flues of the boiler for 10-15 minutes in a natural way, and if there is a smoke exhauster and a fan, by turning them on.

Features of preparing the boiler for kindling after installation and repair.

After the completion of the installation work, the boiler must necessarily undergo alkalizing, washing and cleaning from oil, rust, etc. Boilers that were in operation and rearranged from one place to another and boilers that have been mothballed for more than two years are also subject to alkalization. Alkalinization is carried out according to the recommendations of the boiler manufacturer.

In preparation for the kindling of a newly installed boiler, it is obligatory to flush the feed pipelines with water from contamination.

After this inspection, you need to make sure:

In the absence of work that may interfere with the maintenance of the boiler and auxiliary equipment;

In the absence of plugs that were installed in the boiler pipelines during its repair.

Boilers in which heating surfaces have been repaired must be subjected to a pipe test for patency with a steel ball and a technical examination. The scope of the technical examination includes inspection of the boiler and its hydraulic test.

Otherwise, the boiler is being prepared for start-up in the amount indicated above.

Kindling the boiler and putting it into operation.

The boiler is fired up within the time specified in the production instructions, with low fire, reduced draft, closed steam shut-off valve and open air vent or safety valve for air release.

During the heating of the boiler, water is constantly supplied to the economizer. If there is no downstream line, then the bottom purge of the boiler is carried out and the normal water level in the boiler is constantly maintained.

When steam appears from the air vent (safety valve), the process of venting air from the boiler ends. It is necessary to close the air vent (valve) and strengthen the monitoring of pressure and water level in the boiler.

When the pressure rises to 0.1 MPa, you should check the serviceability of the pressure gauge, water-indicating instruments and the tightness of the purge, drain valves and check valves to the touch.

Having raised the pressure in the boiler to 0.3 MPa, it is necessary to check the tightness of the fittings, collector hatches and manholes in the drums. In the presence of soaring and water smudges, tightening of bolted connections with keys of standard length is allowed. Work is performed in the presence of the Responsible. After making sure that there are no malfunctions, increase the intensity of combustion and raise the steam pressure to the working value.

In this state, you need:

Check the operation of safety valves, pressure gauges and water-indicating devices. Set the water level to the lowest mark;

Check to the touch the tightness of the closure of the purge and drain valves;

Warm up and test standby feed pumps.

The intensity of boiler heating is controlled by the position of the benchmarks (if any), or by the rate of growth of steam pressure in accordance with the instructions of the production instructions.

If the boiler is connected to a non-working steam pipeline, then steam is supplied to it slowly and carefully, opening the steam shut-off valve by 1/8 turn, so as not to cause water hammer. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly blow the steam pipeline from condensate through the drainage fittings and again increase the steam supply by opening the steam shut-off valve by 1/8 of a turn. This is done every time after the cessation of noise in the steam pipeline until the steam shut-off valve is fully opened. When vibrations or hydraulic shocks appear, the steam supply to the steam pipeline is reduced until they disappear. The duration of warm-up is determined by the production instruction. The time of the start and end of the boiler kindling is recorded in the shift log.

Connecting the boiler to parallel operation with another boiler or boilers, it is carried out after heating the section of the steam pipeline from the boiler to the collection steam pipeline, when the steam pressure in the connected boiler is equal to or lower than the pressure in the collection steam pipeline, not more than 0.05 MPa. The connection is made by a steam valve at the prefabricated steam pipeline. If this condition is violated, a sharp boiling of water in the entire water volume of the boiler, swelling of the water level, throwing water into the steam pipeline and the occurrence of hydraulic shocks are possible.

When the boiler is switched on normally, the boiler operation control is transferred from manual to automatic. Before switching on, the safety automation, signaling and automatic control are checked for proper operation.

Maintenance of the boiler during operation. During the operation of the boiler, the personnel must monitor the operation of the boiler and auxiliary equipment and strictly observe the operating mode established by the production instruction. Malfunctions detected in the operation of the equipment are recorded in a shift log, and those that threaten the safe and trouble-free operation of the equipment are immediately eliminated by the personnel. If it is impossible to eliminate the faults on your own, then you must inform the Responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers. In emergency cases, the personnel must immediately stop and turn off the boiler.

During operation of the boiler, it is necessary to control and maintain:

Normal water level in the boiler;

Set operating steam pressure in the boiler;

Economic mode of fuel combustion;

Required gas temperature behind the boiler and economizer;

Minimum gas resistance of the boiler;

The set temperature of feed water at the inlet and outlet of the economizer;

Correct condition of safety valves;

Good condition of water-indicating devices;

Good condition of pressure gauges and other instrumentation;

Boiler purge mode;

Normal operation of the fan and smoke exhauster.

Normal shutdown of the boiler.

Normal shutdown of the boiler is carried out by written order of the administration. The order indicates: a record of the boiler shutdown, date and time (hours and minutes) and signature. If necessary, the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boiler can instruct both the personnel who are to shut down the boiler and the personnel servicing nearby operating boilers on the safe conduct of work.

The shutdown of the boiler is divided into short-term (for one or two shifts) and long-term, when the boiler is taken out for repair, cleaning or conservation.

During a short stop, it is necessary to take measures to maintain the pressure in the norm and keep the level at the highest level.

Before a long shutdown, the boiler and the economizer should be cleaned (blowing) from external contaminants. After the combustion stops, the boiler is disconnected from the steam pipeline and the boiler is purged. In addition, the boiler is disconnected from the feed, purge, drainage and discharge pipelines.

The boiler is cooled down naturally, without the use of a smoke exhauster and a fan.

Monitoring of the pressure and level in the boiler does not stop until the pressure in the boiler becomes equal to atmospheric pressure. If an increase in steam pressure is observed after switching off the boiler, the boiler should be slightly purged and replenished with water to a level slightly above average. You also need to purge water gauges.

If necessary, water is drained from the boiler at a temperature of 40-60 0 C. Water is drained from the boiler slowly and with a raised safety valve or an open air vent, so as not to cause the formation of large internal stresses in the metal, which can lead to breakdown of rolling and other joints.

If further work is carried out in the boiler inside the drum and collectors, then the boiler is separated from all existing pipelines by plugs or disconnected from them; disconnected pipelines must also be plugged.

Boiler shutdown in cold reserve. The boiler stops as a general rule, but the water does not drain from it. Moreover, the boiler is completely filled with water until the moment when the water starts to come out of the open safety valve or air vent. In order to avoid parking corrosion, the boiler is connected to the supply line after it has cooled down so that it is pressurized. In this state, the boiler can stay up to 30 days. More precisely, the period of the boiler being in cold reserve is indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. When the boiler is in cold reserve, it is necessary to control the air temperature in the boiler room in order to exclude the possibility of water freezing in it. The pressure and water level in the boiler are also monitored.

Unofficial edition

Instruction No.

for the maintenance personnel of the boiler room

hot water boilers running on natural gas.

I. General provisions.

1.1 This instruction contains requirements for ensuring the safe operation of hot water boilers and is compiled on the basis of the standard instruction of Gosgortekhnadzor R.F.

1.2. Boiler servicing is allowed for persons not younger than 18 years of age who have undergone special training, a medical commission, who have a certificate with a photograph for the right to service natural gas boilers.

1.3. Re-inspection of the boiler room personnel is carried out at least once every 12 months.

1.4. When taking on duty, the personnel are obliged to familiarize themselves with the entries in the log, check the serviceability of the equipment and all boilers installed in the boiler room, gas equipment, the serviceability of lighting and telephone.

The acceptance and handover of duty must be documented by the senior operator with an entry in the shift log indicating the results of checking the boilers and related equipment (pressure gauges, safety valves, nutritional devices, automation equipment and gas equipment).

1.5. It is not allowed to accept and hand over the shift during the liquidation of the accident.

1.6. Unauthorized persons access to the boiler room is allowed by the head of the enterprise.

1.7. The boiler room, boilers and all equipment, passages must be kept in good condition and proper cleanliness.

1.8. Doors for exiting the boiler room should open easily to the outside.

1.9. Boiler elements may only be repaired if there is no pressure. Before opening hatches and hatches located within the water space, the water from the boiler elements must be drained.

1.10. It is allowed to carry out work inside the furnaces and flues of the boiler only at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C with the written permission of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers.

1.11. Before starting repair work, the furnace and gas ducts must be well ventilated, lit and reliably protected from possible penetration of gases and dust from gas ducts of operating boilers.

1.12. Before closing hatches and manholes, it is necessary to check whether there are people or foreign objects inside the boiler.

2. Preparing the boiler for kindling.

2.1. Before firing up the boiler, check:

A) Serviceability of the furnace and gas ducts, shut-off and control devices.

B) Serviceability of K.I.P., armatures, nutritious devices, smoke exhausters and fans.

C) Serviceability of equipment for combustion of gaseous fuels.

D) Filling the boiler with water by starting the feed and circulation pumps.

E) The absence of plugs on the gas pipeline, nutrient materials, purge lines.

E) The absence of people and foreign objects in the furnace.

2.2. Blow the gas pipeline through a purge candle, make sure that there are no gas leaks from gas pipelines, gas equipment and fittings by soaping.

2.3. Check on the pressure gauge that the pressure of the gas and air in front of the burners is consistent with the fan running.

2.4. Adjust the draft in the upper part of the furnace by setting the vacuum in the furnace to 2-3 mm of water column.

3. Kindling the boiler and turning it on.

3.1. Boiler kindling should be carried out only if there is a written order in the shift log of the person responsible for the gas economy. The order must indicate the duration of the kindling, the time, who is to carry out the kindling.

3.2. The kindling of the boiler must be carried out within the time set by the head of the boiler room, with low fire, reduced draft.

When kindling the boiler, it is necessary to ensure uniform heating of its parts.

3.3. The burner of a gaseous boiler must be ignited in the following sequence:

A) Light the igniter and bring it into the mouth of the burner to be switched on, apply gas, slowly opening the valve (valve) in front of the burner and making sure that it immediately lights up, adjust the air supply, vacuum in the upper part of the furnace. The flame must be stable, without pulsation. Remove igniter.

B) If the flame is extinguished, stop the gas supply, open the purge plug, ventilate the firebox and start kindling according to the instructions.

When igniting the burner, one should not stand against the peepers, so as not to get burned from a flame accidentally thrown out of the furnace. The operator must be provided with safety goggles.

A) Ignite the extinguished gas in the furnace without preliminary ventilation of the furnace and gas ducts.

B) Light a gas torch from a nearby burner.

3.5. When kindling, it is necessary to control the movement of the boiler elements during thermal expansion.

3.6. Monitor the water temperature at the outlet of the boiler, it should not exceed 115 ° C.

Keep the outlet water temperature according to the schedule, i.e. depending on the outside air temperature.

4. Boiler operation.

4.1. During duty, the personnel of the boiler room must monitor the health of the boiler (boilers) and all equipment of the boiler room, strictly observe the established mode of operation of the boiler. Faults detected during the operation of the equipment should be recorded in a shift log. Personnel must take corrective action. If it is impossible to eliminate the malfunctions on your own, then you must inform the head of the boiler house or the person responsible for the gas management of the boiler house.

4.2. Particular attention must be paid to:

A) On the temperature of the water in the heating network.

B) For the operation of gas burners, maintaining normal gas and air parameters in accordance with the regime map.

4.3. Checking the serviceability of the pressure gauge using three-way valves, checking the serviceability of the blow-off safety valve should be carried out by the operator on a monthly basis with an entry in a shift log.

4.4. When working on gas fuel, to increase the load, you should constantly add first the gas supply, then air and adjust the draft.

To reduce - first reduce the air supply, then gas, and then adjust the vacuum.

4.5. If all or some of the burners go out during boiler operation, the gas supply to the burners should be immediately cut off, the furnace and burners ventilated, and the blow-off candle opened. Find out and eliminate the cause of the violation of the combustion regime and proceed with kindling according to the established scheme.

4.6. During the operation of the boiler, it is forbidden to caulk the seams, weld the elements of the boiler.

4.7. All devices and devices for automatic control and safety of the boiler must be maintained in good condition and regularly checked, within the prescribed time limits, by the administration.

5. Emergency shutdown of the boiler.

5.1. If a failure of the safety valve is detected.

5.2. When all circulation pumps stop working.

5.3. When the torch goes out, one of the burners.

5.4. With a decrease in vacuum less than 0.5 mm of water. Art.

5.5. If detected, cracks, bulges, gaps in welds will be found in the main elements of the boiler.

5.6. When the power supply is interrupted.

5.7. In the event of a fire that threatens the operating personnel and the boiler.

5.8. When the temperature of the water behind the boiler rises above 115 ° C.

The reasons for the emergency shutdown of the boiler must be recorded in the shift log.

In case of emergency shutdown of the boiler, it is necessary:

A) Stop the supply of gas, air, open the purge candle (close the taps on the burners and the valves on the gas pipeline).

B) After the fuel supply is cut off and the combustion stops, the climb in the brickwork can be opened.

IN) Shut off the water to the boiler and from the boiler, go to work on another boiler.

In the event of a fire in the boiler room, the personnel must call the fire brigade and take all measures to extinguish it without stopping monitoring the boilers.

6. Stop the boiler.

6.1. It is produced only on the written order of the boiler house responsible for the gas economy.

6.2. Gradually reducing the supply of air and gas, close the valve on the burner, open the purge candle and close the valve on the gas pipeline.

6.3. Ventilate the furnace and gas pipelines.

6.4. Close the valve at the water inlet and outlet of the boiler.

6.5. If there is no other boiler in operation, stop the circulation pump.

6.6. Make an entry in the shift log when the boiler stops.

7. Final provisions.

7.1. The administration of the enterprise should not give instructions to the personnel that are contrary to the instructions and may lead to an accident or an accident.

7.2. Workers are liable for violation of the instructions relating to the work they perform in the manner prescribed by the internal labor regulations and the criminal code of the Russian Federation.

The instruction was

Instruction developed

Boiler room manager


This instruction was developed on the basis of: - Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants, approved by the Ministry of Energy of Russia No. 115 dated March 24, 2003 - Rules for the design and safe operation of steam boilers with a steam pressure of not more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf / cm 2) water heating temperature not higher than 338K (115°C), approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 205 dated 28.08.92. 1.1. A person responsible for the safe operation of the boiler room from among the engineers of the EMU service should be appointed to the boiler room. 1.2. Persons under the age of 18 are allowed to service the boiler room: the operator of the EVS boiler service and persons from the operational dispatch service who have completed training, passed the examinations of the attestation commission, have a certificate of the established form for the right to service boiler plants and are admitted by order of the enterprise to perform these works. 1.3. Ignition of the boiler before the heating season is carried out after a written permission in the passport of the boiler house responsible for the safe operation of the boiler house. 1.4. Purpose of a copper: development of the high-temperature heat carrier (hot water); type of fuel - natural gas; design parameters: water pressure, MPa (kgf / cm 2) - 0.7 (7.0) water temperature, ° С - up to 115 heat output, Gcal / h - 2.0. 1.5. Maintenance and repair of boiler equipment is carried out by: - ​​heat and power equipment - by the EMU service; - instrumentation and automation by the instrumentation and automation service - gas equipment - by the gas distribution station service.


2.1. When preparing for the start-up of the boiler house, it is necessary to take the FOLLOWING MEASURES: - airing the boiler room with a fan or opening windows and doors for 10-15 minutes; - after ventilation, the gas content in the room is checked using a gas analyzer. - inspection of pumps, piping circuit, supports, fittings, insulation of flanged joints, sump filter; - inspect all gas valves and valves, normal position - all purge candles must be open; - after opening the valves at the inlet and outlet of the boiler, fill the heating system with network water, bleed air through the air vents from the heating system - turn on the circulation pump and bring the water pressure in the heating system to 2.0-4.0 kgf / cm 2 - conduct an external inspection of the gas equipment. 2.2. Before starting the boilers, an external inspection of the chimneys is carried out, and if there is a break for a long time, the internal surfaces are also examined. valve. 2.3. When gas is supplied, the valve opens and the corresponding valve to the boiler lasts for about 5-10 minutes to purge the gas pipelines, after which the purge valve is closed. 2.4. When filling the network, it is necessary to open the valves. The supply of softened water to the boilers is carried out through taps. When filling the network and the water circuit with water, close all valves to remove air. 2.5. To turn on the network pumps, after filling with water, open the valves and close the valves and then turn on the selected network pump 2.6. If during the heating season the hot water temperature is adjusted at the inlet and outlet of the boiler room, then the water temperature at the inlet to the network pumps should not exceed 80 ° C. 2.7. Turning off one mains pump will automatically turn on the other. If both pumps fail, the control valve opens to carry out natural circulation in the network. When the boiler is turned off, the network pump is stopped and the shut-off valve is closed after it. 2.8. Mains cold water flows through a settling filter, feed pumps (one is working, the other is in reserve), a heater, cation exchange filters and enters the suction manifold of network pumps.


3.1. Turn on the "NETWORK" toggle switch, turn off the network and sound alarms. At the same time, the indicators “NETWORK”, “OPERATION” light up and the program for monitoring the boiler state sensors starts. In case of deviation of the sensor parameters from the norm, the corresponding indication lights up. 3.2. After supplying fuel to the boiler burner, start the start-up program by moving the "START - STOP" toggle switch to the "START" position. 3.3. The boiler is started up and controlled by the KSUM-1 automation.


4.1. The boiler operates in fully automatic mode. 4.2. Boiler automation is divided into: a) safety automation; b) automatic control. 4.3. Automatic temperature control includes: b) automatic activation of the boiler; c) automatic maintenance of network water pressure in the return pipeline; a) automatic control of the temperature of hot water in the supply pipeline within the specified limits; d) automatic shutdown of the boiler from work. 4.4. Safety automation includes: a) emergency automation; b) alarm automation. 4.5. Emergency automation includes; - protection on the lower air gas pressure after the fan; - protection against emergency excess of water temperature (115 °C); - contactor protection of the burner (interference in the burner). 4.6. Automatic signaling includes: a) alarm “burner failure”; b) gas supply system alarm; c) alarm signal of circulation pumps; d) pressure pump alarm; e) alarm signal of the upper and lower limits of the temperature of the hot water supply pipeline; e) low temperature alarm; g) alarm signal of the upper and lower limits of water pressure at the entrance to the boiler. 4.7. It is necessary to check the safety valve every shift by "undermining". 4.8. During operation of the boiler, it is necessary to monitor the pressure and temperature of the supply and return network water. 4.9. More important parameters of water and gas in the boiler room are displayed on the control panel. 4.10. Operation of boilers and water heaters with faulty automation and equipment is not allowed! 4.11. When the boiler is switched off by the general boiler control device, the boiler is ignited by the operator after the completion of the automatic shutdown program.


5.1. To stop the boiler operating in autonomous control mode, the operator must:
  • press the "stop" button on the front panel of the KSUM-1 unit, after which the stop program is performed automatically;
  • close the valve on the burner;
  • open the valve of the purge line;
  • after the end of the fan operation, turn off the automatic power switch on the unit and the "Network" switch on the front panel of the KSUM-1 unit. In this case, the "Network" light indicator should turn off.
5.2. Disconnect the power from the boiler automation. 5.3. When stopping or repairing, it is necessary to cut off the boiler from the gas duct of the boiler room with a manual gate.
  • Switch off after 30 min. circulation pump if the other boilers in the boiler room are not working.
5.5. Close the valve at the water inlet to the boiler.


6.1. The emergency stop of the boiler is carried out automatically when the emergency automation is activated in case of: - damage to the gas pipeline in the boiler room (gas contamination); - damage to the external gas pipeline to the boiler room; - destruction of the boiler; - spontaneous increase or decrease in pressure in the ShRP of the boiler room; - increase in water pressure in the heating system above the permissible level; - rupture of the heating main. 6.2. If the boiler operates in emergency mode and the emergency automatics do not work, it is necessary to turn off the emergency switch of the boiler room.

DEVELOPED by Special Design Bureau "Transnefteavtomatika" by order of Glavnefteprodukt State Enterprise "Rosneft"

The standard instruction was developed in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for the development and approval of rules and instructions for labor protection and the Methodological guidelines for the development of rules and instructions for labor protection, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 1993 No. 129.

AGREED by the Decree of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Russian Trade Union of Chemical Industry Workers of December 26, 1994 Protocol No. 21

APPROVED by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation

INTRODUCED BY Order No. 144 of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 1995

With the introduction of this instruction, the standard instruction on labor protection of the same name, approved by the Russian state concern Rosnefteprodukt, is no longer valid.


1.1. This instruction provides for the basic requirements for safety measures during the operation of steam boilers with an excess steam pressure of not more than 0.07 MPa, hot water boilers and water heaters with a water temperature of not more than 115 ° C (hereinafter referred to as "boilers").

1.2. Responsible for the safe operation and technical condition of the boilers is a person from among the specialists of the enterprise who have experience in operating boilers, who have passed the knowledge test in the prescribed manner and who have the appropriate certificate.

1.3. In case of violation of the rules for the safe operation of hot water and steam boilers, an employee may be exposed to thermal burns, electric shock, and dynamic shock during the explosion of the boiler.

1.4. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, trained in an appropriate program, tested their knowledge by a qualification commission and received a certificate for the right to service boilers are allowed to service hot water and steam boilers.

1.8. Boiler switching diagrams should be posted at workplaces.

1.9. Workers servicing boiler rooms must be provided with overalls and safety shoes in accordance with applicable standards:

cotton suit;

combined mittens;



1.10. The boiler room must have fire extinguishers of the brand OHP-10 (2 pcs.) And OP-10.

Workers serving boiler rooms must be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment.

It is forbidden to use fire equipment for other purposes.

1.11. The presence of persons not related to the operation of boilers and boiler room equipment is prohibited in the boiler room. In necessary cases, outsiders may be allowed into the boiler room only with the permission of the administration and accompanied by its representative.

1.12. Boilers and boiler equipment must be kept in good condition. It is forbidden to clutter up the boiler room or store any materials or objects in it. Passages in the boiler room and exits from it must always be free.

1.13. It is not allowed to place tanks with flammable liquid fuel, as well as stocks of fuel and lubricants in the room where the boiler is installed.

1.14. Supervision of the technical condition of the boilers during the period of operation by external inspection should be carried out:

every shift by employees of the boiler room with an entry in the shift log;

daily by the person responsible for the safe operation and technical condition of the boilers;

periodically at least once a year by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

The results of periodic external inspection should be reflected in the boiler inspection report.

1.15. When working in the boiler, on its platforms and in gas ducts for local lighting, portable rechargeable lamps in an explosion-proof version with a voltage of not more than 12 V must be used, the switching on and off of which must be carried out outside the explosive zone.


2.1. Wear the prescribed clothing.

2.2. Check the availability of primary fire extinguishing equipment, familiarize yourself with the entries in the shift log and check the serviceability of the serviced boilers and equipment related to them, as well as the serviceability of emergency lighting, telephone communications (or sound alarms) to call representatives of the administration in emergency cases and connect the boiler room with places of steam consumption .

2.3. The acceptance and delivery of a shift is recorded in a shift log signed by the persons responsible for the shift. The entries in the logbook are checked daily by the person responsible for the safe operation of the boilers.

It is not allowed to take and take off duty during the elimination of an accident in the boiler room.

2.4. Before firing up the boiler, check:

serviceability of the furnace and gas ducts, locking and control devices;

serviceability of instrumentation, power devices, fans, as well as the presence of natural draft;

serviceability of equipment for burning liquid or gaseous fuels;

water level in the boiler, tightness of flanges, valves, hatches;

the absence of plugs on the purge, drain and feed steam lines, fuel oil lines, gas pipelines, as well as before and after the safety valve;

the absence of foreign objects in the furnace and gas ducts.

2.5. It is forbidden to put into operation boilers with faulty: fittings, feeders, automation equipment, emergency protection and signaling equipment.

2.6. Immediately before kindling the boiler, the furnace and gas ducts must be ventilated for 10-15 minutes.


3.1. The kindling of boilers should be carried out only if there is an order recorded in the shift log by those responsible for the safe operation of the boilers.

3.2. The time of starting the kindling and putting the boiler into operation should be recorded in the shift log.

3.3. The firing mode of the boilers must comply with the requirements of the manufacturer's documentation.

It is not allowed to use flammable oil products (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, etc.) when kindling a solid fuel boiler.

3.4. Tightening bolted connections, hatches, etc. during the ignition of the boiler, it must be carried out with the necessary precautions in the presence of a person responsible for the safe operation of the boiler, using standard keys without using extension levers.

3.5. During the duty, the boiler house employees must monitor the health of the boiler and all the equipment of the boiler room and strictly observe the established operating mode of the boiler.

Faults detected during the operation of the equipment should be recorded in a shift log. Workers must take immediate action to eliminate malfunctions that threaten the safe and trouble-free operation of the equipment. If it is not possible to eliminate the malfunctions on your own, then it is necessary to inform the person responsible for the safe operation of the boilers and take measures to stop the operation of the boiler.

3.6. During operation, the following should be maintained:

the water level in the boiler and its uniform supply with water. At the same time, the water level must not be allowed to fall below the permissible lower level or rise above the permissible higher level;

steam pressure. It is not allowed to increase the steam pressure above the allowable one;

superheated steam temperature, as well as feed water temperature after the economizer;

normal operation of the burners (nozzles).

3.7. When the boiler is in operation, at least once per shift, the following checks should be carried out:

serviceability of the pressure gauges with the help of three-way valves or shut-off valves replacing them;

water-indicating devices (purging);

serviceability of safety valves (purging);

serviceability of feed pumps, by briefly putting each of them into operation.

3.8. Periodic purging of the boiler must be carried out in the presence of a person responsible for the safe operation of the boilers. Before purging, it is necessary to make sure that the water-indicating instruments, nutrient devices, and the presence of water in the nutrient tanks are in good condition.

The opening of the purge valve must be done carefully and gradually.

During purging, it is necessary to monitor the water level in the boiler and prevent it from dropping.

In the event of hydraulic shocks, pipeline vibrations or other deviations from the norm in the purge lines, the purge must be stopped.

It is forbidden to purge with a faulty purge valve, open and close the valve with blows from a hammer or other objects, as well as with the help of elongated levers. The time of the start and end of the boiler blowdown should be recorded in a shift log.

3.9. Cleaning of the furnace should be carried out with a reduced load of the boiler, a weakened or switched off blast and a reduced draft.

When removing slag and ash from the furnace, exhaust ventilation must be turned on.

3.10. Boiler house workers during duty should not be distracted from their duties.

3.12. Work inside the furnaces and gas ducts of the boiler can only be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C, with a work permit for work of increased danger.

The stay of the same employee inside the boiler or flue at a temperature of 50-60 ° C without a break should not exceed 20 minutes. The necessary security measures in the production of such work are specified in the work permit.

3.13. Before closing the hatches and manholes, it is necessary to check the absence of people and foreign objects inside the boiler, as well as the presence and serviceability of the devices installed inside the boiler.

3.14. Prior to the start of repair work inside the boiler drum, chamber or manifold connected to other operating boilers by common pipelines (steam pipeline, feed, drain and drain lines, etc.), as well as before inspection or repair of boiler elements under pressure, when If there is a danger of people being burned by steam or water, the boiler must be isolated from all pipelines with plugs or disconnected. Disconnected pipes should also be plugged.

3.15. When operating on gaseous fuel, the boiler must be reliably separated from the common gas pipeline in accordance with the boiler maintenance instructions.

3.16. Malfunctions of boiler elements and communications under pressure or high temperature from the furnace or steam are eliminated when the boiler is not working.

3.17. When disconnecting sections of pipelines and gas ducts, posters should be posted on valves, valves and dampers, as well as on starting devices for smoke exhausters, draft fans and fuel feeders: "Do not turn it on - people are working!" fuel must be removed fuse-links.

3.18. When the boilers are stopped for a long time or in the summer at the end of the heating season, they are cleaned of soot and scale, completely filled with water and disconnected from the water supply system.

3.19. When boilers installed in unheated rooms are stopped during cold periods, they are also cleaned of soot, scale, followed by flushing and hydrotesting, and water is necessarily drained from the water heater, pump and pipelines.


4.1. Boiler operation must be stopped immediately:

with a sharp increase in pressure and temperature above those set in the boiler and system, despite the measures taken (stopping the fuel supply, reducing draft and blast);

in case of damage to the boiler with water leakage from the place of damage;

in case of malfunctions of nutritional devices, water-indicating devices, pressure gauges, thermometers, safety valves;

when the circulation of water in the system stops (pump malfunction, power outage);

upon detection in the elements of the boiler (drum, flame tube, firebox, tube grate, etc.) cracks, swelling, leaks in welds, pipe ruptures;

when glowing red-hot elements of the boiler or frame;

when burning soot and fuel particles in gas ducts, superheater;

upon detection of noise, vibration, knocking unusual during the operation of the boiler;

in case of malfunction of safety interlocks;

in the event of a fire that directly threatens the boiler.

4.2. The reasons for the emergency shutdown of the boiler must be recorded in the shift log.

4.3. In case of emergency shutdown of the boiler, it is necessary:

stop the supply of fuel and air, sharply reduce traction;

remove burning fuel from the furnace as soon as possible;

after the cessation of combustion in the furnace, open the smoke damper for a while;

disconnect the boiler from the main steam pipeline;

release steam through raised safety valves or emergency exhaust valve.

It is FORBIDDEN to feed a boiler that is overheated above the permissible temperature with water in order to avoid an explosion.

4.4. When the boiler stops due to the ignition of soot or fuel particles in the gas ducts, superheater or economizer, immediately stop the supply of fuel and air to the furnace, stop the draft, stop the smoke exhausters and fans and completely shut off the air and gas dampers.

If possible, fill the flue with steam and, after the combustion has stopped, ventilate the furnace.

4.5. In the event of a fire in the boiler room, employees must immediately call the fire brigade and take measures to extinguish without stopping monitoring the boilers.

If the fire threatens the boilers and it is not possible to quickly extinguish it, it is necessary to stop the boilers in an emergency.


5.1. After finishing work in the boiler room, the workplace should be cleaned.

5.2. Hand over duty to the person in charge of the shift with an entry in the shift log about all the shortcomings, malfunctions, instructions, orders of the management.

5.3. Stopping the boiler (except for emergency shutdown) is carried out by a written order of the person responsible for the safe operation of the boiler, which is recorded in the shift log.

5.4. In the event of a boiler shutdown, boiler house employees do not have the right to leave their workplace until the combustion in the boiler furnace has completely stopped, fuel residues have been removed from it and the pressure has dropped to zero, with the exception of boilers that do not have brickwork. In such boilers, it is not necessary to reduce the pressure to zero after removing the fuel from the furnace if the boiler room is locked.

Round-the-clock operation of boilers leads to their increased wear. Do you agree that the operation of heating and water heating equipment must be safe? Why carry out periodic inspections and repairs of gas units.

Prevention with the determination of existing defects allows you to prevent the occurrence of emergencies. Who should carry out maintenance of gas boilers and what set of measures does it include? It is these questions that we will consider in detail in the article.

Our material contains a description of the main stages of service activities, step-by-step photos of maintenance. In addition, we have selected videos on maintenance of the boiler and its components.

Each user of a gas boiler expects its long operation. But the durability of the equipment depends on many factors.

The uninterrupted operation of the boiler leads to the rapid wear of its working elements and components, and the unstable supply of natural gas leads to premature failure of an expensive device.

Only timely preventive maintenance, which is implemented through warranty and post-warranty service, can prevent the failure of gas boiler equipment.

According to the rules, the first maintenance must be carried out six months after the end of the warranty period.

The frequency of technical inspections and troubleshooting is established on the basis of an agreement concluded between a representative of the technical economy and the owner of the equipment.

During the scheduled inspection, the representative of the gas industry draws attention to the following points:

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Malfunctions of gas units identified in the period between current maintenance activities are eliminated at the request of the owners of gas boilers by employees of the organization with which the contract was concluded.

Service maintenance of the boiler is designed to solve three problems at once:

  1. Perform device control.
  2. Check the correct functioning of the burners.
  3. Determine the current state of the internal heating elements of the equipment in operation.

Each of these aspects is of primary importance in maintaining the efficiency at the initial level and extending the "life" of the boiler system as a whole.

In addition, a gas worker performing maintenance of a gas boiler is obliged to inspect the condition of taps, metal pipeline connections. He must evaluate the performance of the ventilation and tightness of the nodes.

During the current inspection, a visual control of gas combustion is carried out, and if necessary, the burners are adjusted. The tightness of the connections is assessed using a soap solution or using gas detectors.

During the maintenance of the gas boiler, an assessment of the technical condition of the entire system should be carried out: checking the tightness of the connections, the operability of the taps, the presence of draft in the ventilation risers and chimneys

All identified violations must be eliminated immediately after discovery. Parts and mechanisms are being restored to working order; if repair is not possible, replacement is carried out.

If necessary, parts and assemblies of gas heating equipment are repaired in a gas facility workshop with which a service contract has been concluded.

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in carrying out preventive measures for the maintenance of boiler units. But you should not engage in self-configuration and cleaning of the gas boiler. And it's not just about experience.

Such a responsible procedure should only be performed by a qualified specialist who has the exact technique necessary for diagnosing malfunctions.

The quality of maintenance of boiler equipment directly depends on the professionalism of the master. Therefore, such work should be entrusted only to professionals who have a special permit.

In the event of an unforeseen situation, the master will be able to respond correctly and quickly, thereby preventing unreasonably serious, sometimes catastrophic consequences.

According to clause 6.2 of the current SNiP, service maintenance of boiler equipment should be carried out by licensed organizations that have their own emergency dispatch service at their disposal.

Leading manufacturers of gas boilers, in order not to open branded service centers in every region of the country, issue licenses to organizations specializing in the field of maintenance.

You may be interested in information on how to choose a good and reliable gas boiler, discussed in.

In addition to a certificate for performing a given range of work, such organizations receive full access to technical documentation for equipment manufactured by the manufacturer, as well as the opportunity to receive new boiler components for warranty replacement. The list of certified firms is usually listed on the manufacturer's website.

When choosing a service organization and drawing up a contract, you should focus on two parameters:

  1. Certification of the boiler manufacturer, which is confirmed by the presence of a license to carry out work.
  2. The location of the service center in the same city or region, which will reduce the response time of the field master.

In most cases, a service contract is signed even before the boiler is fully put into operation. It clearly prescribes a list of future work and the timing of their implementation.

As an addition to the contract, a boiler passport is attached, which contains all the design features of the system, a complete list of its components and elements, as well as the timing of maintenance

The work offered by service organizations is divided into three types:

  1. Current service- regular preventive work carried out to assess the technical condition of the unit, identify and eliminate imminent breakdowns, to prepare the unit for the heating season and after its completion before summer inactivity.
  2. Service at the request of the subscriber- includes measures to identify violations and damage to the system, diagnostics of the performance of the gas apparatus or its individual parts, elimination of breakdowns and malfunctions.
  3. Overhaul- a set of measures in case of a breakdown of the unit, carried out in the event of emergency situations provoked by the influence of external factors or as a result of equipment breakdown.

The regularity of preventive maintenance of equipment depends on its design.

A list of mandatory "procedures" for routine maintenance and overhaul, as well as the frequency of their execution, is provided by the manufacturer for each specific model

Failure to meet the deadlines for such an important event can lead to serious consequences. So, clogging of the pipeline can cause a failure of the heating system, and - the cause of an explosion and fire.

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Main steps of the current service

To fully master the situation, you should understand what work is performed when servicing various parts and assemblies. The routine maintenance of the boiler generator includes three main types of work: cleaning, checking and adjusting.

Before performing service maintenance of gas equipment, it is mandatory to turn off the system and gas supply. The switched off system should cool down a bit.

Step # 1 - Inspection of the heating circuits

At this stage, a general idea of ​​the current state of the operating system is formed.

First of all, the master checks the documents and the warranty seal, determining the compliance of the gas appliance installation with the requirements of two main regulatory documents:

  1. SNiPu - sanitary building norms and rules.
  2. "Rules of technical operation and safety requirements in the gas industry of the Russian Federation".

Since a gas boiler is a set of equipment for which both gas and electricity are used, electrical elements are also subject to visual testing.

For an external inspection of the gas boiler, the protective case is removed from the unit and all visible elements are sequentially examined, revealing the degree of wear of parts

Checking the condition of the boiler unit is designed to clarify such points:

  • the integrity of the design of the device;
  • gas valve pressure;
  • ignition electrodes, if any;
  • the state of the connections of the gas supply lines;
  • performance of electronics;
  • serviceability of emergency machines.

At this stage, control is carried out and pumping is performed, which is designed to protect the elements of the system and compensate for the pressure that is created during the expansion of the coolant.

During the technical inspection, visually and with the help of instruments, the condition of the unit itself, protection devices and gas communications is examined

The pressure level in the state of cold water, depending on the type of boiler, is 1.1-1.3 bar. It is important to ensure that after heating the pressure does not exceed the recommended standard specified in the passport for the unit.

Step # 2 - cleaning the elements of the system

Empty the boiler before starting work. After that, they proceed to inspect the gas burner, determine the quality and direction of the flame.

To do this, remove and sequentially clean:

  • retaining washer- a device that regulates the position of the burner flame relative to the installed heat exchanger;
  • air sensor- it is designed to regulate the ratio of the mixture of air and gas;
  • - it generates a signal when the traction performance deteriorates;
  • ignition device electrode- responsible for the ignition of gas-air mixtures;

All metal structures under the influence of high temperatures and soot deposition are capable of deforming over time.

So that the scale does not clog the burner, which is a key working element of the boiler, it must be cleaned in a timely manner using special brushes for this.

During normal operation of the burner, the flame has the shape of a cone, painted in a blue tint. A yellowish color indicates contamination.

To check the operation of the key working element of the boiler and to assess the compliance of the burner settings with the composition of the supplied gas, as well as the completeness of its combustion, measurement and analysis of the boiler exhaust gases will help.

The fire area on the fuel combustion chamber and all parts of the boiler that are in direct contact with the torch are subject to cleaning. This task can easily be done using a soft brush and a vacuum cleaner.

When cleaning the nozzles, it is not allowed to use a metal brush, the bristles of which can damage the surface.

Separately, the gas channels of the boiler are unscrewed and blown with air. The pipe leading to the burner is removed, disassembled and purged under pressure.

The heating system is equipped with two filter elements. The first is located in the hydraulic unit, and the second is located on the cold water tap. These filters also need periodic cleaning from salt deposits by washing.

As maintenance is carried out, all malfunctions detected by the master are eliminated without fail, replacing failed parts and assemblies with new elements.

Step #3 - checking the control automation

Boilers of modern production are equipped with automatic control systems, the main purpose of which is to ensure the operation of the unit without constant human supervision. According to the degree of complexity, automation can be very different.

But regardless of the model, its main elements are:

  • Thermostat- a control device responsible for maintaining the set parameters of the temperature of the coolant in the boiler.
  • Gas valves- designed to open and shut off the gas supply.
  • gas fittings- an actuator designed to work out the commands of the boiler control circuit.
  • Controller- an electronic device designed to implement a complex algorithm for controlling the unit depending on changing environmental conditions.
  • Minimum and maximum pressure switch– membranes that act on groups of contacts, turning off the unit in the event of a drop / increase in pressure below / above the set value.

This technique "painfully" endures a regular drop in voltage. The task of the master is to detect malfunctions in the electronic system in a timely manner, possible problems with parts and correctly. The boiler connected to the gas boiler, designed to supply the DHW system, should also be checked annually and regularly adjusted.

To check the operability of the boiler security system and identify vulnerable parts of the equipment, the master simulates the occurrence of an emergency. After starting the system, he monitors the speed of alarms, the tightness of the cut-off valve and other devices.

If the automation does not work correctly, the unit is dismantled, and the failed membranes are replaced with new ones.

The introductory part of the gas pipe is also subject to inspection. It is examined for corrosion and other damage.

The master must ensure the integrity of the supply gas pipeline throughout the entire section laid in the house, paying special attention to the outer surface of the pipes and their joints

All connections of the gas path, including flanged, threaded and prefabricated, are tested for tightness. Measure the pressure in the pipeline. If necessary, adjust the gas fittings. Places where the paint has peeled off the surface of the pipe are repainted.

Having adjusted all the units of the boiler unit, the master sets the parameters recommended by the manufacturer.

At the final stage, it performs a final check of the boiler. The foreman fills out certification documents, confirming with his signature personal responsibility for the quality of the performed check. Finally, he makes a memo indicating the period for the next service.

Performing a major overhaul

After the expiration of the operational period specified in the passport for the product, the gas boiler is subject to technical diagnostics. The main task of engineering and technical measures is to determine the possibility of further safe operation of the equipment.

Overhaul is carried out in order to restore the technical characteristics of gas heating equipment. As necessary, worn parts and functional units are replaced.

In addition to diagnosing as part of the capital service, they perform:

  1. Washing the heat exchanger.
  2. Comprehensive examination and cleaning of all closed boiler units.

A well-conducted set of measures is a guarantee of the correct operation of gas equipment during the subsequent service life.

Scale build-up in the heat exchanger coil due to improper maintenance leads to a gradual deterioration in the efficiency of the equipment

Cleaning of the heat exchanger from scale is carried out after the first five years from the date of commissioning of the boiler unit. Although most service organizations recommend preventive flushing every two years.

A simple procedure for flushing the boiler heat exchanger eliminates the problem at the stage of scale formation.

To carry out a major cleaning, remove the casing of the device and disassemble all removable parts of the unit. Separately, the heat exchanger is dismantled and thoroughly washed with chemical reagents using a pumping station.

Such flushing allows you to remove all the scale that has formed in the pipelines and fins of the heat exchanger over several years. After that, the boiler is assembled and the system is filled with coolant.

In addition to servicing the gas boiler itself and the gas pipeline leading to it, it is important to regularly check the condition of the chimneys

Cleaning of smoke channels, designed to divert combustion products from gas appliances and create traction, is not included in the list of measures necessary for the master to perform.

This work can be done for an additional fee. If desired, cleaning the chimney can be done on your own. It is advisable to flush it at least once a year.

Operation of the boiler in case of force majeure

In the event of an emergency, it is necessary to react to the problem as soon as possible and try to return the boiler to working condition. Breakdowns, if they occur, are just in the heating season.

And the reason for this is most often the fact that the unit operates at maximum power without interruption for a long period.

The unit can fail at the most inopportune moment, working at the limit of its capabilities for a long period, which leads to rapid wear of parts

Low-quality fuel, which is often fed into the gas system, often leads to the same deplorable result.

Having a service agreement in hand, the owner can only call the organization. After receiving the application, the repair team will arrive at the site and fix the problem.

Since service centers always keep records of boilers, field team specialists arrive at the site already with the necessary set of tools and spare parts that correspond to the specific model of the gas boiler installed in the house.

But there are situations when, at the peak of the heating season, repair crews are “at break”. And the masters may not satisfy the application as quickly as we would like. Some owners in this case resort to the services of "private traders".

But it should be borne in mind that calling the first "gasman" that comes across is not the best option. And it's not even a tidy sum that the owner will have to pay. After all, no one guarantees that the master will be able to carry out repairs at a high professional level in an emergency situation.

Therefore, in order to avoid such situations and save unnecessary costs, you should not neglect the opportunity to conduct a current technical inspection before the onset of cold weather.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video about the sequence of actions for the maintenance of a gas boiler:

Video guide for cleaning the burner:

Regular maintenance of a gas boiler allows you to identify emerging problems at an early stage and not bring the situation to the point at which the operation of the equipment begins to pose a threat to the health and life of households.

Are you faced with the need to urgently call a master to diagnose a gas boiler? Or did you have to pay for additional services during the maintenance process? Tell us about your situation - perhaps your experience will be useful to other owners of gas equipment. Leave your comments below the article.