How to buy an old wooden one. What to look for when buying a private house


Checking the property before buying with the help of a specialist costs a lot of money, but you can make sure that it is in good condition. Want to save? Of course, if you're not a professional inspector, you may be overlooking some vital points, so we suggest using this guide to find out what to look for first when buying a home.

How to choose a house?

No one will honestly talk about the existing disadvantages of their home, if they want. In order not to fall for the bait of a cunning real estate seller and not to eliminate at his own expense all the imperfections that he wants to pass on to you by inheritance, you need to conduct a thorough check of your future family nest. Also, please note that any flaw you find may be subject to a final price review. Here are some important tips to help you choose the right home or find a few reasons for a good bargain.


Take the safe ladder and climb onto the roof. When buying a house, you should pay special attention to it. Examine the slate or shingles. You should be interested in the wear of the coating and the presence of possible damage from hail or hurricanes. If the roof is metal, make sure that all the mounting bolts are in place and nothing can cause a leak. In addition, carefully inspect the chimney - it should not have cracks.


When inspecting the roof, pay attention to the gutters of the downpipes. Make sure that they are not clogged, and that the pipes themselves are securely fastened.

Windows and doors

Conduct a thorough visual inspection of windows and doors. Window frames and door frames should not have any gaps around the perimeter.


Carefully examine the exterior walls, which can be lined with various materials. If it is brick or plaster, make sure there are no cracks. If the house is wooden or sheathed in wood and painted, pay attention to the paint - it should not bubble or be cracked. Look for any signs of water damage to the walls, including swollen wood, rot, or mold. If the basement serves as a garage, check that its gate is working properly and fully opens.


Check the foundation for cracks or uneven settling around the perimeter of the house. If the yard is paved or concreted, look for deep cracks or other flaws in the pavement. Also, make sure the yard itself is sloped and has proper drainage for runoff rainwater. The best way to do this is to visit the vendor on a rainy day.


If the house has a porch and steps, make sure they are safe. There should be no missing boards, bricks, defective railings, etc.

water pump

If there is no centralized water supply, but there is a well and a water pump, let the owner show you how it works. The hose from the well to the water supply points must be absolutely intact (no leaks), and the pressure must be strong.


When buying a house, pay attention to the attic. Make sure it is well insulated and insulated, the insulation is in good condition and there are no signs of a leaking roof.


Check each room for cracks in the walls, floor, and ceiling. Any cracks will indicate problems with the foundation, and any spots will warn you of a leak, the causes of which you will definitely need to find. In addition, if the building consists of several floors, you need to pay attention to all stairs and railings and personally verify their strength and safety. Open the windows and find out if all the shutters are in working order (the same goes for interior doors).


If you are buying a home with appliances, make sure they are fully functional. This means that you need to turn on and check the operation of the washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, oven, etc. for a while. If you are not happy with old household appliances, here you can always order any of the most modern household and electrical appliances that will fit perfectly into the interior of a new home.

Bathroom and kitchen

Start with plumbing. Inspect, toilet, tank, sink, bathroom and shower. Everything must function, and faucets and hoses must be leak-free. Also, don't forget to check the fans and hoods.

Heating and cooling

Turn on the boiler and air conditioner, they should work properly.

Electricity and wiring

This is the most difficult part of the inspection, since most likely neither you nor your husband are electricians and do not know what to look for when buying a house. The easiest way to test an electrician is to take a small hair dryer with a power indicator and plug it into every outlet in the house. If the indicator starts to flicker, then there are problems with the wiring, for which you need to call a professional.

Fire alarm and carbon monoxide detector

Fire alarms must be installed in the immediate vicinity of each room and be fully functional. In addition, we must not forget that carbon monoxide detectors are a very important safety element for the whole family, and, therefore, must also be in working condition.

And in addition to the above, we offer you to find out what else you should pay attention to when choosing a house. Don't miss the interesting video below!

When the choice of purchasing our own home arises, we begin to think about how best to proceed? We ask ourselves the question - buy a new house or build a house on your own? Having asked ourselves this question, and counting the available funds, we often come to the following answer: “There is neither money nor time to build or buy a new house!”.

Then the last option remains - to buy a house of an old building. In this article, I want to dwell on a detailed consideration of the issue of choosing an old building housing. When buying an old-built wooden house - frame or chopped, you need to know what to look for when inspecting, what you need to see and how to see it, that's what we'll talk about.

Why is an old building being inspected?

Why conduct such an inspection? The answer seems obvious, of course, to see what we buy, and not to take a house like a “pig in a poke”. So it is true, but at the same time, when examining the house, you will see not only the shortcomings, since it is almost impossible to buy a wooden house, for example, buildings of the 60-70s without flaws, but you will also be able to assess the scale of the upcoming repairs if you decide to buy this house. In this case, you will already be able to plan the priority of repairs in advance, distribute the remaining funds for the purchase of building materials necessary for repairs.

But there is another important point here - this is bargaining. After all, buying a house is the same market transaction as buying in the market, for example, a tomato. If the tomato has a wilted appearance, then, of course, you will bargain with the seller, and he will definitely reduce the price. It is the same with the house, indicating the identified shortcomings, you can bargain with the owner for a certain discount. After all, as a rule, the owner will declare an inflated price at the initial sale of the house.

What is the best time of the year to inspect your home?

The best time of the year to visit the house is from May to October. During this time period, there is no snow cover, which hinders the visual inspection of the house, hiding under itself the possible shortcomings of the structural elements of the house and the area adjacent to it.

Preparing to inspect an old house before buying

So, before you go to choose a house, inspect its condition, you need to arm yourself with the following:

  1. Theoretical knowledge of inspecting the house, what you need to pay attention to and what not. How to see the flaws in the structural elements of the house hidden from the eyes of a non-professional.
  2. Perseverance and patience. It is not always possible for the owners to reveal to you all the details of the technical condition of the structural elements of the house, because often, before selling the house, the owners try to make the so-called “marafet” of the house - you see cosmetic repairs, refreshed or new facade decoration, etc. But here you need to show perseverance and patience, and treat the inspection of the house with utmost attention.
What would you like to bring with you to visit the house?

Since the inspection of the house is a visual assessment of it, you do not need to take a set of carpentry tools with you, but still I advise you to take something with you:

Photo 1

In order to conduct a visual inspection of the attic and underground in the house, you can take a flashlight or, in extreme cases, a lighter with a built-in mini-flashlight. Not every house of an old building has light in the underground, and even more so in the attic, but just the underground and the attic can tell more than 50% of useful information about the technical condition of the main structural elements of the house - about the roof with a roof, about the ceiling, foundation, walls (embedded logs). The owners may not have a flashlight (they may simply not offer such cases in my practice), but what will you see in the twilight?

You can also take a screwdriver or an awl with you (in extreme cases, a nail L = 150mm), these items are necessary to check the strength of wood - floor beams, floor logs, floorboards. How to check the strength of the wood structure using these items will be described directly in the story about choosing a house, its inspection.
Further in the article we will dwell on what exactly you need to look for when choosing a house.

What to look for when inspecting a house?

Rice. 1

A - roof and roofing material

B - the outer part of the chimney

B - sheathing of gables and facade

G - the upper part of the foundation (socle) or blockage

D - blind area

E - porch and sidewalk (concrete, tiles, boards, etc.)

W - windows

Z - doors

The figure shows the main structural elements of the house, which you need to pay special attention to, but the inspection of the house begins even before approaching it, pay attention to the road surface on the street on which the house of your choice is located.

Inspection of driveways to the house

Photo 2

A paved road, such as a paved road, makes buying a home in the area more attractive. Since in the autumn-spring thaw, dirt roads usually turn into "porridge", which creates a certain discomfort and inconvenience of approaching the house during this seasonal period.

Now let's move on to the inspection of the house.

Roof Inspection

Not coming close to the house, pay your attention to the roof, more precisely, to the ridge of the roof. The straightness of the roof ridge relative to the imaginary horizon line indicates the correct arrangement of the truss system and that the seasonal movements of the house do not adversely affect the roof, the quality of the foundation and mortgage logs of the house. Let's take a look at the causes of roof deflection and some ways to fix them. In photo 3, you see a house whose roof has a deflection at the marked point (B) relative to the horizon line (A).


Most often, in wooden houses of old construction, the truss system has a base at the top point - a ridge beam (A), made of a log with a diameter of 100 to 125 mm. So one of the reasons for such a deflection of the roof is a ridge beam. Over time, the ridge beam (A) sags at the midpoint between the gable rafters (B), as can be seen in Figure 2.

Reasons for the deflection of the ridge beam:

1. Initially, a poorly dried log was chosen for the device of the ridge beam, which had not yet reached strength and had an increased ability to deform. Having laid such a log between the gable rafters without additional supports, the builders made a mistake already at the beginning of the roof construction and the deflection of the ridge beam was inevitable over time. Since a log that has not reached the nominal strength that it acquires during drying will sag under its own weight if the floor span is more than three meters, and in this case an additional load of the arranged roof is also applied to the log.

In case of deflection of the ridge beam, you do not need to spend extra money on repairing the roof, you need to level the ridge beam with a jack (B), carefully lifting it at the largest point of deflection to the most even line and put additional support (G) under the ridge beam. But it is possible to accurately determine that the deflection of the ridge beam is the cause of the described roof defect, as shown in photo 3, only from the attic. And if the rafter system does not have a ridge beam, but the roof still sank in the ridge?

2. The reason may be as follows, the house is installed on a columnar foundation and the foundation pillars gave uneven shrinkage, most of the foundation pillars sank deeper in that part of the house, over which the roof deflection occurred. This reason for the deflection of the roof is more serious than the deflection of the ridge beam and it will be necessary to level not only the roof, but the house itself (Fig. 3).

Photo 4

Especially often such a defect occurs in log houses with five walls (photo 4), the walls of the house in places of cutting (A), on columnar foundations, shrink greatly relative to the front and rear parts of the house or in that part of the house where the bearing walls of the house are cut with a fifth wall.


A - a new installed mortgage log

B - the place of cutting the walls

B - deflection line of old embedded logs before repair

G - sagging foundation pillar

D - wooden spacers

In this case, you will have to raise the house, eliminating the deflection of the walls (B), installing it on new embedded logs (A). You can adjust the height of the support poles (G) using wooden spacers (D). Such a measure will exclude the subsidence of the walls of the house in places where the walls are cut (B).

These are the main reasons (1 and 2) for the deflection of the roof ridge, which indicates to us the quality of the base of the walls (embedded logs) and the condition of the foundation, as well as the quality of the roof device (ridge beam). But the roof has a deflection not only at the ridge, sometimes you can notice that the roof ridge is even relative to the horizon line, but the roof sags on one or both roof slopes at once. This indicates the deflection of the rafter legs; it is possible to more accurately establish the true cause of the deflection of the roof only if you go up to the attic of the house.

Let's take a break from looking at the outside of the house for a while and go up to the attic. What else can be seen in the attic besides the roof truss structure?

Inspection of the attic

Inspecting the attic of the house you need to inspect:

  • roof truss system, lathing, hydro-vapor barrier of the roof, condition of the roof from the inside of the attic
  • insulation of the ceiling from the side of the attic, ceiling beams and, if possible, inspect the boards of the ceiling shield
  • inspect the sheathing of the gables from the attic

Photo 5

Having risen to the attic, first of all carefully inspect the rafter legs. Pay attention to the straightness of the rafters, if the rafters are bent, it means that a mistake was made earlier when constructing the roof and calculating the rafter legs. The stiffness of the rib of the rafter leg is insufficient to withstand the weight of the roof and the pressure of snow, which accumulates over the winter and in the spring exerts the greatest pressure on the roof.

Photo 6

The fact that the rafters bend even more under the pressure of snow can be clearly seen if you look at the nails that fasten the roofing material. As you can see in the photo, the nails have a bend, but now they no longer firmly hold the slate sheets, but have free play, if you move them with a little effort, you will feel that the nail is moving up and down.

But this defect in the device of the roof truss structure can be corrected, while you do not need to hire specialists and spend money on paying for their work.

How to fix the deflection of the rafter legs:
To independently correct this defect and increase the bearing capacity of the rafter legs, you can do the following:

Photo 7

In the place of the deflection of the rafter leg, you need to install an additional support and fix it to the rafter leg. But it is not always possible to install an additional prop, if you see that this option is not suitable, and you cannot install props under the rafters in the house of your choice, then you can follow another way to solve this problem. You can install not a support, but a spacer (photo 8).

Photo 8

Of course, this will subsequently make it difficult to pass in the attic, but it will ensure the absolute strength of the rafter legs. How to make a spread:


Three steps:
  1. With the help of a jack, slowly squeeze out the rafter leg at the deflection point (two jacks are required, since both rafter legs must be aligned)
  2. Cuts on? the thickness of the rafter leg for installing the spacer, can be done in advance on all rafters
  3. Install the spacer between the rafters in pre-made grooves and fasten the rafters and the spacer with nails or capercaillie screws.

Photo 9

Also inspect the rafters for integrity so that there are no breaks and deep cracks. Pay attention to the roof sheathing and waterproofing. With poor-quality roofing material and a poor waterproofing substrate, smudges remain on the boards from the water that passes through the leaky roofing material. The waterproofing substrate must cover the entire area of ​​the roof. Incorrect waterproofing is shown in photo 9 (A).

The waterproofing material should not have gaps (photo 9 B), since in the event of a leak of the roofing material, with a quality waterproofing, water will not enter the attic, but will flow down the waterproofing.

Photo 10

Check how the ceiling is thermally insulated from the attic side. Regardless of what material the thermal insulation is made of, for example, as you can see in photo 10, the thermal insulation is made of sawdust, or the thermal insulation is made using mineral wool insulation, there must be a layer of vapor barrier under the insulation. Check if there is a vapor barrier in the house inspected, to do this, carefully push the insulation apart and you will see if there is a vapor barrier or not. Usually in houses of old construction, in which the ceiling has not been repaired for several decades, the vapor barrier is made of roofing felt, roofing felt or glassine.

If the weather is cold outside and the heating is on in the house, put your hand under the ceiling insulation layer, hold your hand under the insulation for 2-3 minutes, your hand should only feel the heat coming from the ceiling shield. But if the vapor barrier of the ceiling is made of low-quality material, then you will feel a slight presence of condensate on your hand. If the heating is not yet turned on, then simply move the insulation apart and check its condition at the point of contact with the ceiling shield.

Photo 11

At ceilings with high thermal conductivity, on mineral wool insulation at the points of contact with the ceiling shield from the side of the attic, woodiness forms, something like a thin crust, which is felt when touching the insulation with a hand, if the insulation is not mineral wool, but sawdust, then over time, sawdust in the place of contact with the ceiling shield darkens.

Also inspect the ceiling beams and rafters for bugs, putrefactive formations or tree fungus. If a bug is present, then you can easily determine this by the presence of wormholes on the surface of the wood. Sometimes in houses built for more than forty years, with a shallow cut in the ceiling beam or rafter leg, dust begins to pour in the form of a light brown powder, which means the long-term presence of a bug in this house. Such rafters and ceiling beams require replacement, since the bug has practically destroyed the integrity of the wood by more than 40%, and this is the critical limit of wood damage by harmful insects.

Having examined the roof, ceiling and ceiling insulation from the side of the attic, let's return to the inspection of the roof from the outside of the house, now it is necessary to check the condition of the roof.

Roof inspection

As a rule, the roof of old buildings is covered with slate or roofing iron. If the roof is covered with slate, then you need to examine the integrity of the slate sheets, for this, ask the owners for a ladder and go up to the roof. We begin a visual assessment of the condition of the roof.

Photo 12

You examine the fastening of the slate, in photo 12 on the left you can see that, in principle, the fastening of the slate is made in compliance with the rules, the nails tightly press the water-repellent plate to the slate, the nails are also driven in through the upper wave. The slate is laid according to the rules with an overlap in one wave and an overlap on each other along the vertical laying of at least 10-15 cm. But something is still wrong.

Look carefully, not specially designed nails were used to fasten the slate, but ordinary nails and plates cut from galvanized iron. But in this case, a piece of rubber is placed under the plate according to the size of the backing plate. On examination, it can be seen that there are no rubber bands, which means that there is a high probability that water is leaking over the nails, since there is no tight fit between the galvanized plate and the slate.

Pay attention to the roof ridge, it must be covered with waterproof material, in photo 15 on the right, you can see that the ridge is covered with sheet metal. Over time, under the influence of wind and seasonal deflection of the roof under the snow, the fastening of the ridge iron has weakened and now rain and snow will fall through these holes into the attic.

Photo 13

Be sure to inspect the integrity of the slate, especially the lower waves, as rain and melt water from snow flows down the lower waves. If there are cracks or holes from nails in the lower waves, then such a roof will leak, which means that it requires urgent repairs.

But what if, after buying a house, there is not enough money to repair the roof, refuse to buy? No, do not rush to make hasty conclusions and put an end to this house because of the thin roof.

How to repair a damaged slate:

Slate can be repaired and temporarily prevent water from flowing through cracks in the slate sheets. To repair you will need the following:

  • bandage or gauze
  • cement and asbestos
  • metal brush
With a metal brush, clean the surface of the slate near the crack from blackness and moss, moisten with water. Make a cement-asbestos mixture, approximately in the following proportions of 0.5 parts of cement and 1 part of asbestos, mix the components thoroughly and add water. The mixture should be of a liquid consistency, after the mixture is ready, cut the bandage about 5-8 cm longer than the crack (three layers) and moisten the bandage in the prepared cement-asbestos mixture, hold the bandage in the mixture for about 1 minute so that the bandage fibers properly , soaked in the solution.

After moistening the place around the crack with the solution and slightly squeezing the bandage from excess solution, firmly attach the bandage to the crack in the slate sheet, after two to three hours, after the bandage has partially dried, apply a layer of varnish or gray paint on it. Now the slate will not leak in this place, but such a slate repair is effective for no more than two years, after which you still have to repair the roof.

As you can see in photo 13 (on the left), moss appeared on the surface of the slate, without even checking the slate for strength, but simply by visually inspecting it, it becomes clear that such a slate, with such abundant moss, has practically lost its quality characteristics, has become brittle and needs to be replaced.

Photo 14

If the roof is covered with roofing iron, and in the 60-70s if the roof was covered with iron, then basically it was simple iron, not galvanized, and certainly not stainless steel. Inspect such a roof, especially the junctions of the sheets with each other, for deep traces of corrosion, pay attention to how the paint has survived. In photo 14 you can see an example of how the paint on the surface of the roofing iron is partially absent and the iron is corroded by rust. Such a roof will have to be completely cleaned of old paint and rust and repainted.

What else do you need to see on the roof? Of course, this is the condition of the chimney and the presence of drainage systems.

Inspection of the outside of the chimney

Photo 15

When inspecting the roof, pay attention to the condition of the external chimney - chimneys. If the pipe is made of brick, then the brickwork must be intact, not cracked, and the brick itself must be free of chips and visible delaminations. Of course, ideally, it is best to climb onto the roof of the house in order to assess the condition of the chimney from a close distance, but this is only if you yourself want to conduct such an inspection and if the owner of the house does not object to such an inspection.

There must be a protective umbrella on the chimneys, as shown in photo 15 (right). This is necessary so that atmospheric precipitation does not get inside the chimney.

When inspecting the attic, also pay attention to the condition of the chimney. The brick chimney should not have cracks, the masonry must be of high quality. Pay attention to the distance of wooden floors from the visible part of the chimney, as a violation of the fireproof installation of the chimney can lead to tragic consequences in a wooden house, especially an old building.

Why inspect a chimney:

After buying an old wooden house, be sure to conduct a thorough inspection of the chimney, especially its passage through the wooden floors, if there are cracks or the chimney is located close to the wooden elements of the ceiling and roof and there is no thermal insulation, be sure to work to eliminate these shortcomings, otherwise there is a high probability fire.
From personal experience, I can say that in most cases old houses burn down due to faulty chimneys. An old log house burns only about 25-30 minutes, and an old frame house burns down in 10-15 minutes. So it's not worth the risk, and be sure to once again make sure that the chimney is in good condition.

What else can be seen on the chimney?

Photo 16

If there is a protective umbrella on the brick pipe, then pay attention to the presence of smudges on the outside of the base of the umbrella - these are traces of one of the "enemies" of the chimneys, traces of condensate. Condensation adversely affects the quality functionality of the chimney, and also contributes to the destruction of brick chimney pipes, brick chimney channels.

If you remove the umbrella, then you can see the following, in photo 16 (on the right) you can clearly see the consequences that condensate leads to, if you do not take measures to eliminate it, the brick simply collapses. This is what the smudges seen on the base of the umbrella can indicate, although at first glance it seems that there is nothing special, but as you can see, there is none. If you bought a house and there are such defects on the pipe, then be sure to take measures to eliminate them.

drainage system

When inspecting the roof, pay attention to the presence of gutters on the roof and how the drainage system is made.

Photo 17

Although in many old houses, you can only see the presence of gutters, but this is already not bad. Since the roof serves as a reservoir of water, it turns out that if there is no blind area near the house, then when, for example, it rains, water accumulates almost near the foundation. Plus, the addition of rainwater flowing from the roof. Such an amount of water near the foundation does not pass without a trace - water is an aggressive environment from which the foundation must be protected. So what happens? The presence of at least the simplest drain, through which water flows outside the foundation area, serves as a kind of additional waterproofing for the foundation and helps to avoid high humidity in the underground of the house.

In photo 17 (on the right) you can see a broken drain (in a yellow circle), a broken slate. But the drain contributes not only to the protection of the foundation, but also to the walls of the house. And if, in addition to the lack of a drain, a broken slate is also added, then in this case the water that accumulates on the roof falls directly on the walls of the house, which causes various kinds of putrefactive formations on the wooden walls or the cladding of the house. So the presence of a drain, even the simplest one, as seen in photo 17 (on the left), to a greater extent will solve the problem of water getting from the roof to the walls and under the foundation of the house.

You will need

  • - two copies of the contract of sale of real estate;
  • - cadastral passport;
  • - certificate of absence of debts for housing and communal services;
  • - documents confirming the absence of other applicants for the ownership of the house.


Check the title documents for the house itself and for the land: they must belong to the same persons.

Draw up two contracts of sale: for the house itself and for the land on which it is located. Unfortunately, cases of fraud are not uncommon, when a dishonest seller, having concluded a contract for the sale of a house, “forgets” to re-register the land. For a gullible buyer in the future, this can turn into a lot of problems, up to the loss of a house - it may turn out that the land on which the mansion is built was previously re-registered to another person. In this case, the purchase of the house may be invalidated.

Make sure the previous owners don't have utility bills. Relevant certificates are issued by the utility providers themselves, as well as by companies that accept payment for communal services. If this is not checked, you can become not only the owner of your dream home, but also huge housing and communal debts.

In the event that the house was purchased by a person who was married at the time of purchase, require a document confirming the consent of the second spouse to sell the property. This document must be certified by a notary.

Check if this house does not include people who were temporarily discharged from it, but retained the right to reside even if the owner of the house changes. This right is reserved for prisoners, conscripts, patients of psychiatric clinics living in nursing homes, as well as for children who are in boarding schools. Otherwise, you run the risk of acquiring a house “staffed” with strangers.

Make sure that third parties have no rights to the land and the house, namely: the house is not rented by anyone, is not under arrest and is not the subject of litigation, there are no bank loans secured by it. In addition, the apartment can be rented: in this case, after the death of the owner, the house will be transferred to the person paying the rent.

If the seller inherited the house, check to see if there are other applicants for it.

Check the cadastral (technical) passport for the house. This document is available from the BTI. It should describe all the buildings and structures that are located on the land you are purchasing. In addition, the cadastral passport must contain a floor plan of the house with a detailed description of all the premises, their purpose, area and other technical characteristics.


In the process of such an important event as the purchase of real estate, be guided by the rule of "trust, but verify." Even if you think that the seller deserves your trust, checking the documents will not be superfluous.

Helpful advice

If, when purchasing a house, you use the services of a realtor, all responsibility for the correct execution of documents lies with him.


  • Apartments with a surprise: what to do if you are hung up on rent debts?
  • Checking documents when buying a home
  • How to avoid being scammed when buying a house?
  • List of documents required when selling a house
  • Buying a house. What to look for when buying a house
  • You need to carefully check the apartment before buying.

Building a new house is a rather interesting and exciting process, but it requires a lot of knowledge and skills. Therefore, in order to get the home of your dreams as a result, it is best to resort to the services of specialists who do their job efficiently and quickly. You will only have to solve organizational issues.

You will need

  • Construction materials, building permit, house project.


Before you start building, check that you have documentation to prove that you are the owner of the building site. These include a cadastral plan, topographic survey of the site, a certificate of registration of property rights.

Obtain a building permit from your local government. This is a document that gives you the right, as the owner of the site, to build on it. The permission is drawn up in two copies. One copy is transferred to the customer, the second remains in the Administration.

The next step is to prepare project documentation. To do this, contact the design bureau or order a project from a construction company that will build your house. Usually large firms have their own departments for the development of projects, sketches, and other necessary documents. This option is the most convenient, since all work from the project to the roof will be in one place, which will save you time and money.

Carry out preparatory work on the site itself. To do this, you will need to bring a specialist from a construction company to the place of future development, who will determine the availability of the necessary things to start construction work, such as: water on the site and the distance to the source, the presence of a power source and the possibility of using it, is there a room for storing building materials , the availability of roads for the delivery of materials and workers, the possibility of accommodation for builders.

Based on the prepared project, the company provides you with a construction estimate, which includes basic and additional work, as well as building materials. Read this document carefully and make changes to it if you disagree with any points.

After agreeing on the settlements, draw up a payment schedule that is convenient for you, on the basis of which you will pay the company in stages. This document will be an annex to the construction contract, which must also be signed at this stage.

As soon as all documentation issues are resolved, the builders can get to work. Check the progress of work and pay for them in accordance with the payment schedule.

Upon completion of all construction and finishing activities, accept the result from the builders by signing the certificate of completion and making the final payment for the construction of your new home.

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Helpful advice

Conclude an agreement only with that construction company, the professionalism of whose employees is confirmed by reviews and practice.


  • Low-rise and attic construction

An apartment is a structurally separate room, which is located in an apartment building (Article 16, Part 3 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). A house can only be recognized as an apartment by a court order. Also, registration of ownership rights to a part of the house as an apartment is possible if housing was issued under a social tenancy agreement to low-income citizens, and the document indicated that it was the apartment that was provided.

You will need

  • - an application to the court;
  • - legal documents;
  • - passport;
  • - cadastral extracts and explication;
  • - a package of documents for privatization;
  • - application to the regional center;
  • - documents for registration.


If your documents indicate that the housing belongs to a private house, a land plot must be adjacent to it, the entrance must be separate, not connected with a common corridor, as a common area. If the house belongs to several owners or tenants, has a common entrance, a corridor from which you get to your part of the dwelling, it can be recognized as an apartment. But in this case, you will not be able to register a part of the land plot as property, it will remain municipal property.

Houses that can be recognized most often have a barrack type, where there is one common entrance and a corridor with several doors leading to their own living quarters. If the housing has already been registered as a property and the certificate indicates that it is a residential building, file a claim with the arbitration court.

Present your passport, title documents, cadastral extract, a copy of the cadastral plan and the explication of the building, which will indicate the floor plan and the location of individual premises that are housing.

On the basis of a court order, you will be able to re-register cadastral documents and submit them to the registration chamber to enter the changed information into a single register, where they will enter the word “Apartment” instead of the definition “House”.

It is possible to issue a house with an apartment immediately during the privatization. If the house is divided into several tenants, but at the same time it was indicated in the social tenancy agreement that apartments were received, during privatization you will receive a resolution on the transfer of apartments to ownership.

According to the resolution, information about. You will receive a certificate of ownership confirming that you have become the owner of the apartment. If you want to privatize the land, you will have to go to court to recognize the apartment as a house.

Advice 4: What documents are needed to register a private house

Currently, there is still a simplified procedure for registration of private residential buildings. Those citizens who want to obtain a certificate of state registration of property rights for them need to have time to do this until the “dacha amnesty” is completed, that is, until March 1, 2015. However, those developers who plan to connect to the main communications will have to arrange the house in the usual way.


Please note that a residential building can be registered as a property only if the land plot has already been registered. If it is located on the lands of the forest fund, you can only own it on a leasehold basis, in all other cases you must have ownership of this land, confirmed by the appropriate document. You can register this right by starting the process of registering the land and building at the same time.

In the event that the site has a category of land intended for individual housing construction or personal subsidiary farming, you will need to submit the following to the territorial body of Rosreestr:
- application for registration of the built house;
- certificate of ownership of the land;
- cadastral plan of the site;
- title documents for a land plot and a house (contract of sale, donation agreement, certificate of inheritance);
- technical passport for the building, issued by the Bureau of Technical Inventory;
- a receipt confirming the payment of the state fee.

If the category of land on which the house is built is defined as "agricultural land", "for gardening", "for the construction of summer cottages", a technical passport for the house is not needed. You need to take two declaration forms from the Rosreestr authorities and fill it out. When the building is equipped with autonomous systems of heat and water supply, sewerage, it can be put into operation and issued in a simplified manner, only if the listed documents are available.

An individual residential building located on land intended for housing construction, which will be connected to centralized water supply and sewerage systems, will have to be formalized in the usual manner. This is due to the fact that utilities must be sure of the technical health of the internal and external engineering systems of your home. First, you will need to obtain a permit for the construction of a residential building from the architecture and urban planning authorities, which is issued for a period of 3 years and then, if necessary, extended. A project for a single-family home that does not exceed 3 floors is not required. Upon completion of construction, you will need to officially put it into operation by issuing it with a resolution of the local authority. You will attach this resolution to the documents listed above in order to obtain a certificate of ownership.

The real estate market is rich in offers and not lagging behind in demand, which, together with the considerable cost of each object, makes this area associated with many financial risks. It's not even a possible scam. Unscrupulous owners try to conduct illegal transactions or sell property, misleading the buyer or inflating the cost.

It is not easy for citizens who are faced with the acquisition of a private house to figure out all the nuances on their own, so the process before the conclusion of the transaction requires preparation and awareness from them. Buying a new residential or non-residential house can turn out to be not at all a joyful event if you neglect caution and do not know what to look for when buying a house.

Even trusting the procedure to specialists, you should not step aside. It is necessary to control the situation, be present at the inspection and signing of documents, and also participate in agreeing on the clauses of the contract, which is an integral part of the precautionary measures. To understand how to choose the right house when buying, you can not limit yourself to obtaining information and giving instructions to trusted persons.

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First priority

A private house and a plot of land under it are different real estate objects, each of which has an individual cadastral number, but it is impossible by law to sell one object without the other. When buying a house, the land underneath cannot be owned by someone else. They are sold at the same time. This means that both of these objects must officially belong to the seller.

Before proceeding with a thorough inspection of the building and negotiating the conditions, the buyer should pay attention to the package of title and other documents, which is prepared in advance by the seller:

Buying a New Home: What to Look for When Checking Papers

In addition to the fact that the buyer is obliged to choose a house and check the availability of all necessary documents, you need to know what to look for when buying a house, what information these papers can hide from the eyes of an inexperienced person in the field of real estate. If you read the documents briefly, there is a high probability that in the near future the citizen will face serious difficulties and troubles.

If the buyer does not know what to look for when buying a house, it makes sense to contact a legal specialist who will check the legality of the transaction. It is much cheaper and faster than litigation if you have to deal with them through negligence.

On your own, first of all, it is necessary to verify the information in the documents with the actual characteristics of the property, starting from the location address and the owner's passport data. All documents must also be checked against each other. For example, you need to compare the data about the owner from the certificate of state registration of property rights with his personal passport in order to immediately compare the details, number and series.

If any papers are missing in the submitted package of documents, then the purchase of a house should be postponed and other options should be considered. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the technical documentation is only relevant for five years.

What to look for when buying a house?

Once again, it is worth paying attention to the fact that title documents for a private house and land are different legal documents that should be available in any case. It is impossible to sell these two properties separately. Even if the building is not completed, this is not a reason for the absence of a certificate of ownership for it. If this is not taken into account, the buyer will have big problems with the legalization of the structure, which may end in demolition.

It is necessary to make sure that the selected house is located on the territory owned by the seller, and does not violate the borders with neighbors. The type of building must correspond to the information specified in the documents. The buildings marked on the plan must be available. Similarly, if there are buildings, but they are not on the plan, then they are illegal, or the owner presents an outdated document. It is also desirable to measure the size of the territory so that all the numbers match the indicated data in the papers.

Particular attention should be paid to the cadastral passport. If it has two pages, the object has no encumbrances; if it has four pages, you should carefully read what is written on the last two.

How to choose the right house when buying: a visual inspection

Despite the fact that the design of the building and the internal layout certainly affect the overall impression and play an important role, these characteristics should not be examined first of all when examining a real estate object. A more important aspect is the technical side and communication systems.

The best time to inspect a new house is invariably spring, since during this period it is possible to objectively assess the level of dampness and whether there is a basement or cellar flooding. It is important to carefully inspect the roof and attic in order to eliminate troubles with leakage, and the drainage system. When something is wrong with it, it will affect the integrity of the foundation. If there are flaws or malfunctions, they will be visible to the naked eye.

Door and window openings are a secondary matter, since they can be replaced, but serviceable load-bearing structural elements are a guarantee that the house is reliable and does not pose a threat to residents. In addition, the operation of communication systems (electricity, water supply, etc.) should be checked. If the house is heated with a boiler, it must also be checked regardless of the time of year. When everything is in order with him, the batteries warm up in no more than half an hour. You also need to check the presence and serviceability of the trigger valves.

Engagement of specialists

When the buyer has doubts that he will be able to evaluate the technical characteristics of the house on his own, it makes sense to involve specialists who will do this for him. In addition to the fact that a specialist is able to assess the health of a particular system, he will be able to say about the causes of breakdowns, as well as methods for their elimination. For example, it is sometimes easier and cheaper to install new equipment than to repair old equipment.

Without the appropriate knowledge, it is extremely difficult to make an independent assessment of communication systems, and it is on them that the suitability of a building for living depends. In addition, some owners, knowing about all the shortcomings of the house, not only hide them, but also deliberately mislead buyers, creating the appearance of system performance in the most clever ways. This is not difficult to do if the buyer does not know how the pipe entrance and other structural elements should look like.

Experienced specialists certainly know what surprises can be hidden from prying eyes, because during their work they have seen a lot and know the weaknesses of any building.

How to choose a house when buying in the primary market

A house bought on the primary real estate market, which had no previous owners, is distinguished by the fact that it is legally clean. It has no encumbrances, no one can claim ownership of it, and no registrants that can't be evicted. However, such an object still cannot guarantee the complete security of the transaction, since even among developers there are enough scammers.

Turning to developers, it is necessary to analyze their history, reputation and work experience. It is advisable to go and personally make sure that their office is really located at the indicated address, and not a fictitious one. It is also advisable to talk with people who have purchased property from the selected developer, and read what reviews about him go.

When purchasing an unfinished object, the price of which is several times lower, it should be taken into account that it is possible to wait for the completion of construction work for a long time and the risk of freezing this process cannot be ruled out. Before signing the contract with the company, it is recommended to come to the negotiations together with a lawyer or a trusted realtor.

Secondary market

Before choosing a house when buying on the secondary real estate market, you need to make sure that the property is legally clean. The seller must provide a package of documents, which includes the following papers:

Each additional building on the territory must be legalized. In addition, you should pay attention to how long the property belonged to the seller before he decided to sell it. This period should be compared with the basis for obtaining the object. For example, if the house was inherited by the seller less than three years ago, then there is a risk that one of the heirs will appear and demand that the transaction be canceled if they can confirm that they have good reasons to inherit after a six-month period.

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