The temperature in space in Celsius. What is the temperature in outer space

What is the temperature in open space? in degrees Celsius

  1. The temperature of open space is close to absolute zero, i.e. -273 C (but never reaches absolute zero temperature).
  2. -273С
  3. Close to absolute zero (-273C)
  4. What temperature are you talking about.
    For example, the temperature of the relic radiation is 4 K
  5. crap is everything. in the shadow -160, in the same place the space is still heated by relict radiation, therefore -160. for spacesuit norms
  6. The concept of temperature in our usual sense is inapplicable to outer space; it's just not there. Here we have in mind its thermodynamic concept - temperature is a characteristic of the state of matter, a measure of the movement of the molecules of the medium. And the substance in open space is just practically absent. However, outer space is permeated with radiation from a variety of sources of the most varied intensity and frequency. And temperature can be understood as the total energy of radiation in some place in space.

    A thermometer placed here will first show the temperature that was characteristic of the environment from which it was taken, for example, from a capsule or a corresponding compartment of a spacecraft. Then, over time, the device will begin to heat up, and heat up very much. After all, even on Earth, in conditions where convective heat transfer exists, stones and metal objects lying in the open sun heat up very strongly, so much that it is impossible to touch them.

    In space, the heating will be much stronger, since vacuum is the most reliable heat insulator.

    Left to the mercy of fate, a spacecraft or some other body will cool down to a temperature of -269oC. The question is, why not lo absolute zero?

    The fact is that in outer space with monstrous speeds fly various elementary particles, ions emitted by hot celestial bodies. Space is permeated with the radiant energy of these objects, both in the visible and invisible ranges.

    Calculations indicate that the energy of this radiation and corpuscular particles in total is equal to the energy of a body cooled to a temperature of -269oC. All this energy falling on square meter surfaces, even with complete absorption, would hardly be able to heat a glass of water by 0.1 ° C.

  7. - 200 and above
  8. absolute 0 degrees Celsius
  9. Have you heard of absolute zero? -273
  10. Temperature of what? Outer space is a vacuum.
  11. How many times am I convinced that people do not enter into simple things ...
    What is the temperature inside the kinescope of a conventional TV, years. Nikonov and Fless? After all, there is a VACUUM, and what else. Do you turn your tongue to say that inside the TV is -273 degrees?
    How is temperature generally measured? Yes, anything? To do this, the measured value is compared with the standard using a measuring tool. There are no other ways. AND IT IS CONSIDERED (by definition) that the reading of the instrument is the value we intend.
    What is a temperature measuring instrument? Right, thermometer. So, if you stick a thermometer into space, then the temperature of space BY DEFINITION will have to be considered what the thermometer shows.
    In physics, a completely black body is considered a thermometer. Therefore, the temperature of the cosmos BY DEFINITION should be considered that which an absolutely black body acquires. And this temperature is approximately 2.3K (-270.85 C). This is ABOVE absolute zero by a very noticeable amount. And it is connected primarily with relic radiation, and not at all with ions and other small things flying in space. Because relic radiation is everywhere, and its density is almost uniform everywhere.
    Of course, in the vicinity of the stars, the radiation of the star itself will be added to this. For near-Earth outer space, the equilibrium temperature of an absolutely black body is close to 120 degrees Celsius. Approximately to this temperature the surface of the Moon heats up.
  12. In space, it is impossible to measure the temperature, since the temperature can be measured in air, gas, but not vacuum. There is a concept like heat transfer in space!
  13. Temperature is physical quantity characterizing kinetic energy the motion of particles of the medium, and since there is no medium in space, this energy is indeed very small and the temperature is close to absolute zero - 273,
    BUT you don’t have to think that you will die from the cold at this temperature)) The fact is that the density of the cosmic environment is also close to zero, and at the same time, convective heat transfer will be completely absent. Much worse is that the pressure in the body is -1 atmosphere and in space too 0 and the body will simply swell and explode without a spacesuit!
  14. Why is there no temperature? Let's put the question differently: will it be hot or cold for a person in space? How hot? Or how cold? Should he take a fur coat, two? Or maybe in shorts?
  15. -273 degrees
  16. The temperature of what, and in what place? So in near-Earth orbit or almost the same on the Moon, the side illuminated by the Sun can heat up to + 150-170C, the opposite, shadow side has time to cool to about the same values, but with negative sign. The farther from the Sun, the colder it gets.

The science

Temperature is one of the fundamental concepts in physics, it plays a huge role in the fact that concerns terrestrial life of any form. At very high or very low temperatures, things can behave very strangely. We invite you to learn about some interesting facts associated with temperatures.

What is the highest temperature?

The highest temperature ever created by man was 4 billion degrees Celsius. It is hard to believe that the temperature of a substance can reach such an incredible level! This temperature 250 times higher temperature of the core of the sun.

An incredible record was set in Brookhaven Natural Laboratory in New York at the ion collider RHIC, whose length is about 4 kilometers.

Scientists forced gold ions to collide in an attempt to reproduce big bang conditions, creating a quark-gluon plasma. In this state, the particles that make up the nuclei of atoms - protons and neutrons - break up, resulting in a "soup" of constituent quarks.

Extreme temperature in the solar system

The temperature of the environment in the solar system is different from that to which we are accustomed to on Earth. Our star, the Sun, is incredibly hot. At its center, the temperature is about 15 million Kelvin, and the surface of the Sun has a temperature of only about 5700 Kelvin.

Temperature at the core of our planet is about the same as the surface temperature of the sun. hottest planet solar system- Jupiter, whose core temperature 5 times higher than the surface temperature of the sun.

coldest temperature in our system is fixed on the Moon: in some craters in the shadow, the temperature is only 30 Kelvin above absolute zero. This temperature is lower than the temperature of Pluto!

Human habitat temperature

Some peoples live in very extreme conditions and unusual places, not quite comfortable for life. For example, some of the coldest settlements - the village of Oymyakon and the city of Verkhnoyansk in Yakutia, Russia. The average winter temperature here is minus 45 degrees Celsius.

The coldest larger city is also in Siberia - Yakutsk with a population of about 270 thousand people. The temperature in winter there is also about minus 45 degrees, but in summer it can rise up to 30 degrees!

The highest average annual temperature was seen in an abandoned city Dallol, Ethiopia. In the 1960s, an average temperature was recorded here - 34 degrees Celsius above zero. Among major cities, the city is considered the hottest Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, where the average temperature in March-May is also about 34 degrees.

The most extreme heat where people work is seen in gold mines Mponeng in South Africa. The temperature at about 3 kilometers underground is plus 65 degrees Celsius. Measures are being taken to cool the mines, such as using ice or insulating wall coverings so that miners can work without overheating.

What is the lowest temperature?

In trying to get lowest temperature, scientists are faced with a number of important things for science. Man has managed to get the coldest things in the universe, which are much colder than any thing created by nature and the cosmos.

Freezing allows the temperature to drop to a few miles Kelvin. The most low temperature, which was achieved under artificial conditions - 100 picoKelvin or 0.0000000001 K. To achieve this temperature, it is necessary to use magnetic cooling. Similar low temperatures can also be achieved using lasers.

At these temperatures, the material behaves completely differently than under normal conditions.

What is the temperature in space?

If you, for example, take a thermometer into outer space and leave it there for some time in a place far from a source of radiation, you may notice that it shows the temperature 2.73 Kelvin or so minus 270 degrees Celsius. This is the lowest natural temperature in the universe.

In space, the temperature keeps above absolute zero from the radiation left over from the Big Bang. Although space is very cold by our standards, it is interesting to note that one of the most important problems that astronauts face in space is heat.

The bare metal that objects in orbit are made of can heat up to 260 degrees Celsius due to free sunlight. To lower the temperature of the ships, they need to be wrapped in a special material that can only lower the temperature by 2 times.

However, the temperature of open space constantly falling. Theories about this have been around for a long time, but only recent measurements have confirmed that the universe is cooling by about by 1 degree every 3 billion years.

The temperature of space will approach absolute zero, but will never reach it. temperature on earth does not depend on the temperature that exists today in space, and we know that our planet has recently gradually warms up.

What is caloric?

Warm is the mechanical property of the material. The hotter an object, the more energy its particles have while moving. Atoms of substances in a hot solid state they vibrate faster than the atoms of the same, but cooled substances.

Whether a substance will remain in a liquid or gaseous state depends on whether what temperature do you heat it up to?. Today, any schoolchild knows this, but until the 19th century, scientists believed that heat itself is a substance - weightless fluid named caloric.

Scientists believed that this fluid evaporated from the warm material, thus cooling it. It can flow from hot objects to cold. Many predictions based on this theory are actually correct. Despite misconceptions about heat, many have been made correct conclusions and scientific discoveries. The caloric theory was finally defeated at the end of the 19th century.

Is there a highest temperature?

absolute zero- temperature below which it is impossible to fall. What is the highest possible temperature? Science is still unable to answer this question accurately.

The highest temperature is called Planck temperature. This is the temperature in the Universe at the time of the big bang, according to the ideas modern science. This temperature is 10^32 Kelvin.

For comparison: if you can imagine, this temperature billions of times the highest temperature obtained artificially by man, which was mentioned earlier.

According to the Standard Model, the Planck temperature remains the highest possible temperature. If there is something even hotter, then the laws of physics familiar to us will stop working.

There are suggestions that the temperature can rise even higher than this level, but what happens in this case, science cannot explain. In our model of reality, anything hotter cannot exist. Maybe the reality will be different?

Film directors and science fiction writers are constantly trying to prove to us that a person who suddenly fell into open space without a spacesuit will die in a split second. According to them, the temperature in Space is such that not a single living being without special equipment is able to stay in the open space of the Universe for more than a second. For example, this is quite interesting and vividly written in one of the works of Arthur C. Clarke: the hero, who finds himself in open space, instantly dies due to severe frost and internal pressure. However, according to the theoretical calculations of modern scientists, the death of a person in such conditions does not occur instantly.

It is often suggested that a person who finds himself in the open space of space will be torn apart from the inside by a sharply increased pressure. Space is a perfect vacuum, and the human body maintains a pressure of approximately one atmosphere. At first glance, it may seem quite enough for a living being to instantly die from an “explosion”.

In fact, no "explosion" will occur - the tissues of the body are characterized by sufficient strength and are able to cope with a pressure of one atmosphere. Instead of the expected reaction, something completely different happens: the capillaries that supply the skin with blood burst, this is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but not at all fatal.

Another reason why a person can die very quickly in the open space of the Universe is the very temperature of the Cosmos, which, according to some sources, reaches Kelvin (-273.15 ° C). To be more precise, this is what people who know nothing about the temperature features of interplanetary space think. The temperature in open space, strange as it may sound, is the absence of any temperature. Outer space, according to researchers, has no temperature, respectively, it can neither heat nor cool a living organism in it.

What is traditionally meant by a term such as "temperature"? First - the chaotic movement of atoms or molecules, of which absolutely all bodies are composed. The more intensely the molecules move, the higher the thermometer indicator, respectively. Where there is no substance as such, there can be no talk of such a concept as temperature. Outer space is just such a place where there is very little matter. Therefore, they say that the temperature in space is its complete absence. However, the bodies that are in have a variety of thermal performance, which depend on many different parameters.

Outer space is filled with radiation from sources of the most diverse intensity and frequency. And the temperature in space, from this point of view, is understood as the total radiation energy in a certain place in space.

A thermometer in outer space will first show the temperature that was characteristic of the environment from which it was taken, for example, from inner space. Over time, the device will heat up, and very strongly. Indeed, in conditions where convective heat transfer takes place, objects lying under direct sunlight heat up quite strongly, so that it is impossible to touch them. In space, such heating will be much stronger, since vacuum is an ideal heat insulator.

Thus, the temperature in Space is a relative concept, however, depending on where in space the body is located, it can either heat up or cool down. Far from the stars, where heat flows practically do not penetrate, the temperature of such a body will be approximately 2.725 degrees Kelvin, as it spreads throughout the entire part of the Universe known to astronomers, however, when the body approaches a star, it will gradually increase.

People who make films, writers who write fantastic works, try to set an example for mere mortals with their work. That as soon as a person enters the space environment, he immediately dies. This is due to the temperature that is in this environment. What is the temperature in space?

Film directors and science fiction writers claim that the temperature in the space environment is such that not a single living creature is able to withstand it without a special suit. Finding a man in outer space was very interestingly described by Arthur C. Clarke. In his work, a person, as soon as he got into outer space, immediately died due to a terrible frost and strong internal pressure. What do scientists say about this?

First, let's define the concepts. Temperature is the movement of atoms and molecules. They move without a specific direction. That is chaotic. Absolutely any body has this value.

It depends on the intensity of the movement of molecules and atoms. If there is no substance, then we cannot talk about this quantity. Such a place is the space environment.

There is very little matter here. Those bodies that live in the intergalactic medium have different thermal indices. These figures depend on many other factors.

How are things really?

In fact, space is really incredibly cold. Degrees in this space represents -454 degrees Celsius. Temperature plays an important role in open space.

In general, open space is a void, there is absolutely nothing there. An object that enters space and stays there acquires the same temperature as in the environment.

There is no air in this space. All the heat that is present here circulates thanks to infrared rays. The heat received from these infrared rays is slowly lost. What does it mean? That an object in space ends up with a temperature of only a couple of degrees Kelvin.

However, it will also be fair to note that this object does not freeze at one moment. Namely, in this way it is filmed in films and described in fiction. Actually, it's a slow process.

It will take several hours to completely freeze. But the fact is that such a low temperature is not the only danger. There are other factors that can affect viability. Various objects are constantly moving in open space.

Since they have been moving there for some time, their temperature regime also very low. If a person comes into contact with one of these objects, then he will instantly die from frostbite. Since such an object will take away all the heat from him.


Despite the cold, the wind in outer space can be quite hot. The degrees of the top of the sun are approximately 9,980 degrees Fahrenheit. By itself, the planet sun produces infrared rays. There are gas clouds between the stars. They also have a fairly high temperature regime.

There is still danger here. Temperature can be critical. It can act with tremendous pressure on objects. They are not only within the boundaries of the atmosphere and convection. The orbit that orbits the sun can have a temperature of 248 degrees Fahrenheit.

And the shady side of it can be -148 degrees Fahrenheit. It turns out that the difference in temperature regimes is large. At one point it can be very different. The human body simply cannot bear such a difference in temperature conditions.

The temperature of other objects

The degrees of other objects in space depend on various factors. From how much they are reflected, from how close they are to the sun. Their shape, weight category also matters. It is important how long they are in this place.

Take, for example, aluminum of the smooth type. It faces the sun, is located at the same distance from the sun as the planet Earth. It heats up to 850 degrees Fahrenheit. But a material that is painted with white paint cannot have a temperature regime greater than -40 degrees Fahrenheit. Increasing these degrees in this case will not help and its orientation to the sun.

All these factors must be taken into account. It is impossible for a person to get into space terrain without special equipment.

Space suits are specially designed. To have a slow rotation so that one side is out of the sun for a long time. And also, so that she does not stay in the shadow part for too long.

Boiling in this space

Perhaps you are also interested in the question, at what degrees does liquid begin to boil in the cosmic realm? In fact, the temperature regime at which the liquid begins to boil is a relative value. It depends on other quantities.

From quantities such as the pressure that acts on the liquid. This is why water comes to a boil much faster on higher terrain. This is because the air in such an area is more liquid. Accordingly, outside the atmosphere, where air is not present, the temperature regime at which boiling begins will be lower.

In a vacuum, the degrees at which water begins to boil will be lower than the temperature in the room. It is for this reason that exposure to the space environment is a danger. IN human body while the blood boils in the veins.

Just for this reason, this environment is quite rarely present:

  • liquids;
  • solid bodies;
  • gases.

h do you know what temperature it has space ? In fact, for a person, cold reigns in it - about -270 degrees. Space is mostly an unfilled void, so the temperature in it has a big impact. The same objects that are inouter space , acquire its temperature.

There is no air here, and heat transfer is due to infrared radiation. That is, heat is gradually lost. An object falling into the depths of space does not lose it instantly, but gradually, by several degrees. It would take a person several hours to freeze completely in outer space, but he is unlikely to have to die from freezing, since there are many other phenomena in a vacuum that will kill you much earlier. Objects plying in space have a very low temperature. If you touch them, you will immediately die, as they will take away all your warmth.

T However, the wind in space can be very hot. Take, for example, the Sun, which emits infrared waves of high temperature. And it is not the only one, there are a large number of stellar clouds between the stars, heating up to several thousand degrees.

The fact that the surface of the Sun has a high temperature has an impact on life on Earth. That side of the orbit of our planet, which is turned towards it, can heat up above 100 degrees, the other side of the orbit, located in the shade, on the contrary, has a temperature of about -100 degrees. For humans, both options are considered unacceptable. He is also unable to withstand rapid temperature changes.

The surface temperature of other bodies depends on many factors. The role is played by the mass of the body, and its shape, and the distance from the Sun, and the influence of other objects in space. For example, if you send aluminum towards the Sun, being at a distance from a star equal to the distance at which our planet is from it, it will acquire a temperature of up to 850 F. If you take an opaque element and cover it with paint white color, above -40 F it will not heat up. That is why a spacewalk without the use of a spacesuit is extremely dangerous for humans. Concerning aliens, perhaps they are arranged differently, so they can live in a vacuum without additional adaptations.

The boiling point of a liquid in space is not constant. It depends on the pressure that affects it. In high places, water boils quickly, since the gas is liquid there. Since there is no air behind the atmosphere, the boiling point becomes lower. Therefore, being in a vacuum of a person is so dangerous, his blood can simply boil in his veins. This explains why it contains mostly solids.