Do-it-yourself house without construction experience. Do-it-yourself house without construction experience House made of wood concrete panels

Despite the fact that the profession of a builder can easily be obtained in many higher educational institutions, Internet users will learn many of the nuances on their own. They use the tips of experts who share their experience on blog pages. On such sites, you can find out almost everything, including information on how to build a house from scratch yourself or where it is profitable to buy a laminate. However, today there are several blogs on the Web that are especially popular with everyone who is interested in construction.


Builder Blog

The author of this blog answers questions from his subscribers. All answers are written in simple language, so beginners in the construction business receive quality advice on all their questions. You can learn how to hammer a nail correctly, how to build a foundation yourself, how to build a ventilation system, where to buy cheap laminate.


A video blog from a professional team of builders who give only useful and relevant advice on the construction of buildings of varying complexity and their subsequent arrangement. All tips are accompanied by videos from facilities under construction, so subscribers can see what needs to be done and how. This is one of the most useful and informative blogs, because you can really learn both the basics of the construction business and improve your skills.

To the question - "where to start building a house?" most often we can hear - "well, find the builders, and off we go ...".

So say many, but not those who built it.

It always seemed to me that building your own house is a daunting task. But, if you look around at how many private houses were built by exactly the same people as you and I, you are convinced that nothing is impossible. Building a house is a task that everyone can do.

About moving

In order to take up the work, my brother was forced by circumstances - the lack of his own housing. Renting a temporary apartment is becoming more and more expensive, and it’s boring to wander around rented housing forever.

His parents suggested that he move from Kazan, but his brother has an interesting and promising job there, the children go to kindergarten (by the way, his brother has two children), friends, in general, there was no talk of moving.

Choice of construction site

They began to choose a place for construction. The choice turned out to be difficult - on the one hand, I wanted to live in the city, and on the other hand, I wanted to have my own house. The choice fell on the village of Salmachi, which since June 27, 2001 has been part of Kazan. From the house under construction to Ikea to go some 17 minutes.

When choosing a site, at first glance, it seems: the larger the site, the more opportunities for the implementation of building plans. But you need to understand that a large plot needs not only to be bought (and the budget is limited), but also to be equipped, as well as constantly maintained in good condition. In addition, there are state building codes that strictly regulate the minimum distance of the walls and foundation of the house from neighboring buildings, underground utilities, and even from the boundaries of the site.

After weighing all the pros and cons, last year they bought a plot of land measuring 4 acres with a total cost of one million rubles. Expensive, but you can't do anything. Today, land within the city is very expensive, even here in Cheboksary it is unrealistic to get a hundred square meters of land cheaper than two hundred thousand.

After receiving the relevant documents, the project and drawing up an estimate, construction began.

Sample house plan

Finished houses are always more expensive than their construction, so the construction of a house is carried out using its own resources (with the involvement of relatives, friends, acquaintances).

House made of wood concrete panels

Building a home is no easy task. There is money - there will be a house, no money - there will be no house, but you want to. With a limited project budget of 800 thousand rubles, it is necessary to meet the minimum deadlines (it is necessary to move into the house until the winter cold approaches).

The main criterion for choosing materials for building a house was its low cost, quick construction, relative naturalness. And also, if possible, the minimum cost of additional wall insulation. When choosing walls, both a log house and a frame house with OSB and SIP panels were considered. The log house shrinks, you will have to wait a year for it to shrink, the second and third options did not inspire confidence in terms of environmental friendliness. Having studied the information on the Internet, we came across arbolite panels, in addition, there is a representative office of the SPK "Arbolit" in Kazan. relatively light, so it must bear the weight of the walls and roof. According to reviews, if building foam is properly walked through the cracks at the junction of panels, in the corners and then plastered well, then a wall thickness of 30 cm is enough in winter even without insulation.

Well, it seems to be all, although there is also the construction of a roof, connection to external communications, but this is a separate issue.

Love your land, love your home.

bow men

Thank you. Glad you liked it. I'm not a genius at all. I did not come up with anything new and did not make any sensational discovery. I'm just building. I do what I like. Is it difficult to lay a brick or block? I think no. The main thing is to want to put it. And in what good physical shape do you stay if you don’t go after work to read the newspaper and watch TV or drink beer, but go to the construction site to work physically. Although I still find time for beer
So, I continue my report. I'll tell you about the lintels above the windows. We decided to pour them from concrete. The first formwork for the lintel was invented for a long time, but then when they realized what was going on, they quickly reinforced the lintels with fittings of the 10th, 12th in two rows. And in a 2-meter window opening, I put corners in concrete. Now if I did - no concrete lintels. I would put the corners and it would be much faster in time and much easier in complexity. It would have been warmer too. But at that time no one suggested.

But you can write a whole story about this dog. She lives for herself at a construction site, sometimes disappears but not for long, she still comes here. They named her Moska. She recently brought puppies under my boards. All males. So who needs to contact, otherwise I don’t know where to put them. If it were not for the wife who pities them, I would have taught them to swim in our river a long time ago. The thing is that this bitch of chickens steals from the neighbors and I recently found out about this. And I keep thinking why she doesn’t want to eat my bread and potatoes and why the puppies are so plump and round like koloboks. Here she is in the photo

In the course of the story, I will also throw off pictures of small puppies.
And now the armored belt. I went around the Internet, all the neighbors, pestered the familiar builders, forumhouse. ru also tortured and decided to do it anyway. See the photo and everything will become clear.

But I made a belt with such reinforcement so that it would not be just a belt, but with the prefix "armo". A year ago, I didn’t even hear such a clever word. Horror

By the way, at that time I also mastered the technology of welding. Not with my wife and not with my mother-in-law (I mastered this even earlier. yyyy) but the technology of iron welding. The welding machine had been lying in the attic for a long time, even the electrodes of 20 years ago were used
In the previous photo, there is a wooden formwork that was made only on the middle load-bearing wall because it is 20 cm thick. The brick there would take up the whole place in width.

That's what I understand used brick. New from the factory is still far from it. KAMAZ brought and threw off the dump truck. Of the 4.5 thousand bricks, maybe 50 pieces were broken in half.

A week later, the beams were laid. Thickness 12x16 cm. The ends of the beams were pitched, but the end was “left” untarred. Oh, with what problems we left him. The fact is that I pitched the butt too, and then they told me here on the forum that you can’t do that. I took the grinder into my hands and quickly went to cut the ends. They say the tree breathes upside down. I don't know if it's true or not, let him breathe.

I didn’t film the process of how we lifted them, because it’s not convenient to take a picture and raise the beams. She and almost all the other pictures don’t have me due to the fact that my father is not very friendly with a digital camera, and my wife is either a child or busy with work, there is no time to go to her construction site specifically to take a picture. But in vain ... It would be a lot of interesting to show you

It was decided to impregnate the beams with means of protecting the wood from insects and bacteria already at the top later, and of course the rafters immediately. Here is the brush and go

Father dilutes Borochron. This is the name of this tool

Meeting future neighbors. Cool, we have a family right next door and they have a child 2 months older than ours. And a young family also lives behind them: they have a daughter a year younger than our son. There will be someone to play with in the sandbox and sweat and when they grow up to fight for the girl next door

On this optimistic note, I will finish today ... Next will be the second floor, the roof, etc. I still have a lot to tell and show you
I describe everything in such a short way and if you are interested in something in detail, write, ask, point out errors. Let's learn together not to do them.